Hello and happy 2016! It has been a while since my last blog post, and I can’t wait to get started and up and running again, I miss you all! This year blew past me in a blink of an eye, and I am sure most of you feel the same way. The illusion of life is getting to be so fast, that I feel as if I’m standing still, watching everything go by me at hyper speed. I keep a constant reminder that it is all an illusion, and it is the choices that I make every second of the day, that molds and shapes my reality that I know now. I find if we just blink we find ourselves in the present moment, everything I look forward to seems to come and go in a split second. I am really focusing on loving and cherishing every single second that I am blessed to have in the NOW. With that in mind, welcome 2016, you will be over and done before I know it.
The gift is in the present. The present moment, the present thought, the present people around you, the present state of wonder, the present state of being….. Just be present and do the best that you can with the information and knowledge you have at hand, and try with all your might to grow and expand at all costs! I suppose what I am trying to relay is this…. Set goals, visualize the outcome, make positive changes to reach your goals… THEN GO FOR IT, with everything you have, go for it and GET IT… The only obstructions are in our own minds. After all, we are only human, all connected and trying to make sense out of this tumultuous world. We can never fail , we can only NOT try…. And by not trying comes defeat.
So make a plan, prepare, visualize the outcome, and GO GET IT!
I had a fortune cookie once and the paper inside said “If you are reading this message, you are are on the right path, otherwise you would not be here to read this”…. I think about that often….. Our game is not over people, make and plan, share it openly, and let’s help each other reach our goals.
Never stop, never quit, and help others along the way! Happy 2016! With all the love in my heart, here is my one month progress pictures…
I attended Scott Samuels Class EVERY SINGLE DAY with out fail for 30 days in a row.. I made a promise to myself, visualized my outcome, stuck through it no matter what, sacrificed a boat load, stuck to it, and came out victorious……. and all it took was 30 days of relentless tenacity, an open mind, dedicated heart, and an ass kicking personality that WOULD NOT QUIT.
The photos you are about to see are of Day 1 through day 31!
The moral of the story is NEVER QUIT…. You are tougher than you think!
Lets go for it! 2016!
Health and Love