What I have been up to, besides my neck in sweat! 11/22/15

Hi everyone, I bet you are wondering what on earth I have been up to. I have been logging all of my workouts via Facebook and have not written a blog post for weeks now. Well, things have been crazy per usual around the Kallstrom household this month, (not as busy as last month) but crazy busy nonetheless! This month I decided to try and make it to my trainer EACH and EVERY day until my upcoming Bikini/fitness/glamour photoshoot on Dec.4-5th in Florida. It was a big mission to commit to, but so far I have been successful, and today marks the 22nd day I have attended, and crushed, Scott Samuels Death defying class at PushDT !!! Its been a journey, but I am finally beginning to see the results of some really hard work, and  I am so thankful that it is not in my nature to give up, even with a fractured pinky toe!!  I have been mentally tested these past 22 days, and at times I found myself wondering if I was just a dog chasing her own tail… However, I finally see the light…… and the beginning of some AB’s! Hallelujah!!!!  I am going to continue going to my workouts each and every day that I can, and see what the end result is in 10 more days!

I have decided to Periscope the upcoming shoots experience, so I will be taking live footage of what actually goes on during one of these extraordinary events! If you are not following me on Periscope,  hop to it, and add me! My name is Lisa Hitchcock-Kallstrom (lisa11eleven) on there, just like the rest of my social media sites. I hope you all join, and chime in as much as possible, its going to be a lot of fun!

I have so many recipes and things to share with you all, and I promise to start making more regular blog posts again very soon. I am sure you all understand just how busy this mommy of 2 little’s has been trying to do it all. Meal preps, Kiddo’s, workouts, pre-school, household duties, holidays, wifeyness, massages, and getting ready for this giant shoot, etc… the list goes on and on, and ON!!!

I am attaching a few pic’s and a small snippet of one of my workouts with Scott Samuels at PushDT. The quick video really does not do justice what our workout entails AT ALL, but at least you can get the gist of what it takes! I will write this again, if ANY of you out there want to join me in this quest for fitness, and want to try the classes I go to PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!! I would be more than happy to hold your hand, walk you through the door, and set you free into butt kick heaven!!!!! Heck, I will even drive you there if you need a ride!!!

Until next time friends,

Health and Love



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