Happy Labor Day! Avocado salad dressing recipe 9/7/14

Hello there everyone, I hope this blog post finds you all happy, healthy and full of life! It’s been a while since my last post, and for good reason. We have been very busy around the Kallstrom household these past few weeks. We just sadly said farewell to our beautiful, fabulous, family Nanny (Fanny) Christina. Her time was up and had to go back to Germany, although we miss her terribly, we are excited for her sister Sissy to come join our household for the next 3 months! Sissy will be arriving on the 22nd of September, and I can hardly wait! I was spoiled with all of the help from Christina for the past 3 months and was really able to reach and demolish some workout goals while she was here.

It really is a rough and ALMOST impossible (Im’possible) road when you are doing it ALL ALONE as a momma of 2, that stay home all day as well….. However I have been managing and getting to my little gym, that offers an hour and a half of daycare with my membership, while having no sitter. All was working out just fine until even  that luxury came to a SCREEEETCHING halt this week, when both girls got sick from someone at the gym daycare. GAME OVER, now its time to hatch a new plan, because I refuse to be a selfish parent that takes them back to the day care (that originally got them sick) to infect the other healthy kids that play, while their parents try to get in a workout…. So I must resort to pushing my giant Mom Wagon, the BOB, around town until I have healthy children again.  

So on to the next route ( that Im still mapping out) to continue on my workout journey, until relief  comes to give a helping hand. I wouldn’t be in such a rush to continue my training but I just booked ANOTHER big bikini/glamour photo shoot the first week of December. I know it sounds like a long way out, but trust me, it sneaks up on you like a thief in the night, and I have no time to waste, especially since I have been indulging in more than my fair share of Mexican food!!!  The pressure is on my friends and I can hear that little negative ( you will never make it) voice, beginning to knock louder and louder on my subconscious  back door.  I’m trying to extinguish that negative voice at all costs, but it keeps on keeping on, and she’s a tenacious little sucker, so it’s time for action yet again!

I figure that since my workouts have come to a halt that I can at least combat my workout goals at the food angle. I have been preparing my shopping list for the next few weeks and figuring out what to make to keep me at least break even body wise. YIKES!  It looks like I will be in for a ton of healthy soup, lean protein and SALAD SALAD SALAD! This brings me to my next subject, salad dressing. I am a sucker for creamy delicious salad dressing, and no matter how hard I’m cutting calories and getting down to serious toning and defining business, I will NEVER cut out my salad dressings! I would rather eat NOTHING than a dry, bland salad, and I know how healthy it is to get in those greens, so I found a great avocado salad dressing recipe. I happened to be writing my girlfriend Patty Curtis, a private message about her painting class and scrolled down her page… AND that’s where I found it… A YUMMY and pretty nutritious creamy AVOCADO SALAD DRESSING recipe!

It was a delicious  addition to my Pear/gorgonzola/arugula salad and I will be making it again and again, that’s for sure. I have decided to share the recipe with you on this blog today in hopes that you will make, and enjoy it, just like I did. For me it helps to have as much flavor and different options when making healthy eating choices.

Let me know what you think of this avocado salad dressing recipe, can’t wait to hear!


Avocado dressing Recipe:

  • 1 large avocado
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup organic Greek yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon hot sauce of your choice
  • 1/4 extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 3/4 teaspoons salt

Put all indigence into a blender and blend until creamy dressing occurs

Then top and toss on a salad of your choosing, the choices are limitless.. AND ENJOY!

Until next time,

Health and Love,



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