26 weeks later, and about to strip down to nothing! 2/26/15

Hello everyone, well here I am siting at my computer at the end of my kitchen island, kids running around, screaming, laughing, pooping, peeing, and shouting at me, 26 weeks after I started my Bringing Milfey Back Journey…. I have exactly 7 days to go until my first professional bikini shoot with Sarah Lyons, founder and photographer of PictureGroove Photography in Scottsdale Arizona, since starting this tumultuous and fulfilling journey. I am feeling good, and looking better than when I started, but obviously have some butterflies fluttering, knowing I will be stripping down to nearly nothing and showing you all that I have accomplished physically in the past few months.

I need to start this post with stating that it hasn’t been all “cherries and berries” trying to dust off my  85 lbs. of pregnancy weight, and realign my physical body with the effervescent, fit and firm self I know I have had inside of me all along. Instead it has been a road embedded with bumps, bruises, tears and thank God laughter! The only way I’m getting through this journey is having the ability to brush it off and take it all with a grain of salt, an undying determination, and sometimes a pepper infused margarita. 😉

With any goal that we harbor within us, weather it be fitness, relationships, work related, spiritual, or something entirely different…. We must remember that we are human, and the ride (experience) is essential for our souls to grow, learn, conquer, and flourish. I had a little dream inside of my heart that I could help myself become healthier, fitter, and stronger than ever before as I walked this beautiful life, while adding on the years, and becoming a better human being with each and every step I take. Meanwhile, helping and inspiring my loved ones, friends, and anyone else that needed a boost, motivation, or just to hear the story of others going through the same thing at the same time. So far I have had great success despite the gorgeous hills and torturous valleys, everything is working out perfectly… and how couldn’t it? I have my eyes focused on my goals and will not accept anything but great success. Even if I feel like I’m doing it all for nothing, or progress is failing to show itself at the times I need it most, no matter what, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Life is ALWAYS perfect, no matter how we anticipate it to go…. Here is the test….. Are you alive? Well then, you are on the right path, and perfect just the way you are, just be sure to sing and live the song in your heart and you will NEVER go wrong!

I have upped my workout game in the past couple of months. I have been hitting my little cardio gym when I can, and religiously going to my trainer Scott Samules at Push DT 3-5 days per week as well. I have been going to morning classes, and when that’s not possible, I try to go to a night time class. It hasn’t been easy, but anything worth obtaining takes work. I have not only worked my schedule around my normal life, but I have worked at the training sessions to the best of my ability. No matter what my physical body looks like at my August 3rd photo shoot with Sarah Lyons, I can rest easy knowing that I gave it my all. I relied on no excuses, and pushed myself to limits that I did not know I had within me. For all of this I am thankful, and will own and be grateful for all of my choices. My only wish for you, is that you are or can do the same, it is amazingly empowering and lovely. If you have not realized this, start NOW, it is  never to late, and believe me it is WORTH it!

Going into this final week of exercise and preparation for this upcoming photo shoot I am filled with anticipation, nerves, excitement, and determination. I can’t wait to share all of my experiences and photos with you as soon as it’s all over. Now, I’m sure you’re curious as to what comes next right?

Well, your guess is as good as mine… I’m not going to be slowing down or quitting by any means. As a matter of fact I am going to try and go to the next level. I have always been stopped with my workout progress by pregnancy at this point, but if I stay pregnancy free until January/February (our next baby “shoot”date) wink wink…. 😉 I will have to keep going and figure out what level of fitness I would like to set my goals and eyes on next.

I have so many wonderful and inspirational friends in the fitness industry, and I aspire to one day be just like them. However, like I stated before, life throws us curve balls, and if you can’t hit em’ out of the park… Well DUCK, or roll with the ever coming punches, and when pregnancy strikes again, relax and enjoy the experience!  I guess my plan is to keep up with my already successful workout regiment and then reach out to others that are achieving bigger, stronger, fitter, healthier goals than I have ever though of, and jump on board with them and test my limits even further.

My wish for all of us is to NEVER get comfortable….. Only get comfortable with fear, and beat the S#*t out of it!!  Grow, learn, and reach your highest potential at all costs, and never let that negative inner voice, or others, overcome the power you harbor inside of yourself! GO FOR BROKE FOLKS and do it with beautiful reckless abandon!

I am looking forward to my next blog post, and hopefully have some beautiful images to share with all of you!

Until then,

Health and Love



BE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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