Picture Progress and weigh in! 4/12/15

Well, it’s Sunday again and for me that means stepping on that scale and peeking at the number. Then getting into my pre-baby shorts and a sports bra and snapping photos. I have to admit I was pretty excited to see the progress I had made this week. After all I totally cut out alcohol and have been doing daily randomized exercise on my own, and with my trainer.ย  I have been eating very healthy and organic (per usual) and really feel different in my body. I was expecting to see around a 4 if not 5 pound drop, no joke, and when I got on that scale this morning I was 174.0. lbs.

174.0 is a 1lb drop since last week, not what I was expecting, but I’ll TAKE IT! I have to keep reminding myself that THIS IS A PROCESS… I am not defined by the number on the scale, as long as I keep pushing towards my goal I can never go wrong. I feel lighter, stronger, faster, and waaaaay more full of energy!

I did a really intense workout this morning at Push DT with my trainer Scott Samuels and the gang. Then I got home and walked all over town and to the park to let Lillianna play. While at the park, Kris played with Lillianna and I pushed baby Madelynn around the track 15 times. I ran 11 of those laps and briskly walked the other 4, then walked a mile back home. So I AM moving, and keeping myself occupied with fun activities that keep me going.

I know my body is changing and the weight is obviously muscle building, and water being held onto. I know that the visual change is right around the corner. I just have to remember to KEEP GOING and not listen to those negative little voices that pop up in my head! They say things like,” what if it DOESN’T work this time Lisa” ? Or, “What if it’s my hyperthyroid disorder kicking in” ? The list goes on with what we can say to ourselves to obstruct our own path. I feel like so many of us get frustrated at this point and lose momentum or just flat out give up. DO NOT GIVE UP, pick your mental state of mind up, brush it off, and keep on truckin’! Replace those negative comments with positive affermations. For example, “I WILL succeed”, “I will reach my goals swiftly and with ease”, “I am powerful”, “I am in control” and “I AM doing this”, “I feel more fit, more firm, and more healthy in my body than EVER before”.

Making up your own affirmations and saying them in your head like your own personal mantra, can drastically improve your mood. While saying these affirmations imagine the body and health you want and then actually FEEL yourself in it. This may take a little practice but you can do it, and recognizing that we have the ability to infuse our own subconscious mind with positive affirmations and visual imagery is 99% of the mental battle. Also while saying, repeating, and FEELING our affirmations our brains send signals to our bodies to act accordingly!!

One of my professions is a licensed Hypnotherapist as well.ย  I am strongly thinking about writing a blog post soon on the power of self hypnosis and infusing our subconscious with positive affirmations and positive visual imagery. Let me know if any of you would enjoy that, and I will come up with a very basic self hypnosis routine that can help us all reach our goals. ( I usually charge a lot of $$ for this ) but I will gladly do one for my blog readers for free. I just want to know if anyone is interested before I spend a lot of time creating this for us. Soooooo lemme know, O.K… ๐Ÿ™‚

Now without any further ado….. Like I say every Sunday, cover your eyes folks, and take a look at my picture progress Sunday!!

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Health and love,



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