Run around town Saturday, literally… 4/11/15

Hi everyone and happy Saturday! Well, since renouncing my wine and champagne consumption for 50 days my weekends have taken a turn! I woke up around 7:00am this morning full of energy and ready to get some exercise in, rather than look for some water and an advil… LOL! I kid a bit, it wasn’t like that every weekend just the past 2 in a row, so I am happy to be back in full “Bringing Milfey Back” Swing.

I packed up the girls in the trusty double BOB stroller and ran across town to my nephews baseball game. It was such a beautiful day that I was super happy with my decision to get outside instead of heading over to the gym. I figured that I better take advantage of the glorious weather while it lasts, and I will be hitting up the gym tomorrow with my trainer anyway.

I then ran 2.5 miles to Starbucks to get a Trenta unsweetened iced green tea (a very tasty and health friendly) refreshment.  On the way there I took the downtown route and ran passed dozens and dozens of people sitting outside eating, drinking, and enjoying the nice day. I have to say dining, and outside adult beverage consumption, is probably one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE things to do…. Yet, I stayed strong and thought, “As soon as I hit my goals, I too will be sitting outside eating chips and guacamole and sipping on a frosty margarita”…. BUT…. until then, keep running Milfey, just keep running. I kept hearing Forrest Gump’s voice in my head as I passed through intersections and bumped up and down the sidewalks, “AND EVERYWHERE LISA WENT, SHE WAS RunnnnnnInnnnnG”…. LOL! At least I can keep a good sense of humor while sweatin’ to the oldies and pushing my kids around town in a giant mom wagon! 😉

I met my husband at Starbucks and we hung out with the girls for a while and I did step ups on the bench. I never thought I’d be one of “those” people, but hey I have a mission to accomplish and time is a tickin, so I can’t be picky where I get my calories burned, Kris caught me on video and I will share it with you at the end of this post. So far I have gone over 6 miles today and 75% of it ….. I was RunnnnInnnnnG ( Forrest Gump voice) and I felt like it was a nice productive change to my weeks worth of workouts.

Tomorrow is Weigh in and Picture Progress Sunday, and a crazy morning workout with my trainer Scott Samuels at Push DT. So be on the lookout, I will be strippin down to show my progress, and I will be praying that the visual difference starts picking up speed in the direction I want it to! Enjoy the rest of the weekend friends, and look forward to tomorrow’s post.

Health and Love,




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