Wake and Shake! 3/26/15

Good morning everyone, I hope this day is finding you all recharged and ready to head for the weekend. It is an absolutely glorious day here in the Bay Area and we are expecting it to get into the 80’s  YIPEE! I think I will push the girls over to my little gym this afternoon and get in a little cardio. I was unabel to get to my workout with Scott Samuels this morning at PUSH DT because of the lack of babysitting, and Kris had another early morning too. Our lives have been busy, and tad crazy over here in Kallstrom land but we are making our way!

My appetite has been enormous lately and I have been cooking up a storm to ensure I have healthy and nutritious foods to eat while Bringing Milfey back! I have been craving sweets like no other but refuse to give in!! Last night at about 10:45pm ( yes I know it’s late to still be eating) I mixed up Ricotta cheese with some sugar free chocolate swiss mix. Again, I steer clear from “SUGAR FREE” anything 99% of the time, because we all know it is NOT good for you when consumed…. but I was going nuts….. So I mixed up about a cup of ricotta with one pack of the mix and enjoyed it to the MAX!!! It tasted cross between chocolate pudding and chocolate ice cream…. (if you use a bit of your imagination that is)… 😉 I went to bed shortly after that feeling full and satisfied, I have to trick myself any way possible when I start to get cravings and it worked.

This morning I woke up and made some egg whites and 1 full egg with tomato, green onion, and a sprinkle of cheddar cheese. It was delicious, and I was still craving something sweet, so I decided to make a PEANUT BUTTER and CHOCOLATE GREEN SHAKE , it was so tasty and I have absolutely zero guilt about consuming it. I think I will have my homemade organic soup,  and zucchini  boats as an early dinner, and make another shake for later dessert. I know I will feel much healthier and happier with that choice versus eating anything sugar free again. I have filled my 3 month quota for sugar free anything after that late nigh snack… ;/

Here are some photos of my healthy chocolaty peanut buttery green shake:

  • 1 scoop chocolate green drink powder
  • 1 scoop Isopure low carb chocolate protein powder
  • 1 scoop PB2 powdered peanut butter
  • 1 cup Ice

IMG_5452       IMG_5454

Have a great Thursday everyone, I hope it’s as sweet as you are!

Health and Love,





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