T.G.I.O. ( Thank GOD It’s Over) !! A Tuesday workout in the books

Hi everyone!!! I am home, happy, and thankful that my training session with Scott Samuels and the gang is OVER on this fine Tuesday afternoon! I woke up this morning feeling better than I have in 4 weeks, even after a craaaaaazy weekend in Las Vegas. I woke up, fed baby Madelynn and left Lillianna sound asleep in her bed while my sis came over to rescue me from mommy duty, so I could go beat myself up at the gym!

I huffed, puffed, and sweat my way through a tough and very agonizing workout and was EXTREMELY thankful and proud that I made it through without puking or dying in the end! I came home to a houseful of video camera, and cable people rearranging our home and furniture while installing surveillance and nanny cameras throughout our entire home. I went to the grocery store to purchase all of my goods to make tonight’s  video blog meal of Turkey pasta sauce and vegetable noodles. I will soon be adding a meal section to my YouTube channel so you can get a more visual idea of how I prepare my meals while Bringing Milfey Back.

Once I arrived home from grocery shopping, I got to work putting away groceries and straightening up the house. I am now currently waiting for the director and video guy Chris Denise to arrive so we can start filming. I figured I had a few moments to jump on here, check in on everyone and post a photo of my yummy and EASY EASY healthy dinner from last night. Now, it was just homemade organic egg salad on a bed of organic herb greens, but it was tasty and healthy and here it is. IMG_5433

I hope this little post finds you all happy and full of life and movement!



Health and Love,


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