Raised by wolves… Stronger than fear… 3/8/15

Welllllllllllll hello everyone! I must say, that as I sit here in my home office beginning to type this, my energy is a tiny bit deflated. I just had a big workout his morning with Scott Samuels (my trainer at PUSH DT). I Wheezed and coughed throughout the entire workout (because of a tiny cough cold from last week) I pushed, sweat, and even cried a little while trying to mentally get myself through a rigorous training session. Thank GOD my wing woman Chelsea could be heard shouting words of encouragement while pressing through the difficult sprints that left me winded and wheezing!!!!! I even had to excuse myself twice to catch my breath… I have never had allergies, but felt like I had them full force today.

Also, to add a little extra “sauce” to today,  I weighed in at roughly 3 lbs over last Sundays weigh in, and I admit left me a tad bit mentally defeated… My husband and I were up making Lillianna’s “big girl bed” all night into the wee hours of the morning, leaving me sleep deprived and only getting 5 hours of restless sleep before tackling this beast of a workout this morning (but all for a great reason)… I know, I know, body weight fluctuation at this stage is PERFECTLY NORMAL, however it does kind of creep in when you are trying your hardest…

I just have to keep remembering that I am in this for the long run, this is not a game, or something that I will just give up on… I will keep going, keep pressing, and keep trying, no matter what. No matter what the scale says, no matter how tired, sick, or pissed off,  I may be… I just have to keep on going… Even if my smile turned upside down into a frown today.. I know deep down, these emotions will pass and I will press on, making and forming myself into the vision I have for my health, happiness, and future!!!

So Piss OFF, you nasty frown, I will combat and CONQUER you today and everyday you try and creep your way into my life and try to obstruct my path!!!

I am now going to redirect my focus… I have been focusing on the wellness of everyone around me this week, allowing all of my energy to flow towards the needs, and insecurities of others.. Focusing all of my umph on everyone BUT ME…. I feel in my heart that I have A LOT, and at times EXCESS, to give to those around me. Of course this does not apply to my home team of Kris, Lillianna, Madelynn, Sugar and Sachi. They are me, and I am them…

However, this ride is about me, and being the driver of my successes and dreams. So ( and I’m talking to the voices in my head right now),  take a back seat baby doll’s, this MILFEY has a job to do, so shut up  and let me GO!… Sometimes we need to be our own personal cheerleader, cause everyone else is wrapped up in their own lives, and that’s OK, that’s all we have our own lives…. The blessing is this, we all we have are  OURSELVES… Let that inner voice be positive, and let it shout out over our negative inner roommates, that also live in our heads, that we are worth it!  Allow that positivity to drown out and suffocate anything negative we have to say about ourselves! AMEN!


Sooooo without any further ado… as I say every week…. COVER YOUR EYES FOLKS…. Here is my Sunday progress photos and weekly weigh in, 183.6 about a 3.5 gain from last week, but still pressing on!

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Health and Love



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