Checking in, life is moving, and I should be too! 3/4/15

Hi everyone! I am checking in to tell you about my movement and exercise this week so far. Well, its ALREADY Wednesday and it feels like a big blur since Sunday… Life is moving… I need to really harness my energy and put it fourth into more exercise action to get to the next level of my fitness goals. The past 2 weeks have thrown a slight wrench in my system of exercise operation. Like I mentioned before, we have been welcoming our new AuPair to our, home, life, and the U.S..A. Chris Denise,( Reel Eagle Studios) and I have been busy launching the YouTube channel and filming as well. It has all been fun and a big adjustment and I am looking forward to getting things into full swing again!

All in due time, I am going with the flow and keeping up with healthy eating and getting in workouts. I am burning fat and slowly building muscle. I have to keep reminding myself that it is all a process and as long as I set a goal, bury my head and work towards it with all I’ve got, I will be triumphant!

Now, I went to my trainer on Sunday and was unable to get to the Tuesday morning session, so I am making up for it by going tonight at 6:00pm! I have that “Oh my gosh, what am I about to do to myself ” feeling!?!? I know once I am finished tonight, this anxious feeling will morph into a proud “look at what I have done” feeling instead, and I really look forward to that! LOL!

I look forward to checking back in this week and maybe sharing a recipe before picture progress and weigh in Sunday have a great Wednesday!!




Health and Love






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