Its picture progress and weigh in Sunday!!!! I just arrived home from a KICK IN THE GUTS workout, hosted by Scott Samuels at a bright and early 9:15am this fine Sunday morning. I want to applaud my first time friends that joined Chelsea and I today. Chris Denise, the director of the Bringing Milfey Back documentary, Kathy Khodi Elhami, and her awesome trooper of a husband Farid Elhami! You all rocked it, and I couldn’t be more proud of my friends for giving it there all this morning. It was truly a doozy of a session, and I can fully attest to that… If you all didn’t notice I had to leave the building for 5 min. due to extreme HYPERVENTILATION!! On my 4th round of sprinting up the treadmill at 7.0 miles per hour on a 15% grade……. I over breathed, and then hyperventilated… Thank you so much Cameron Campi, and Wendy Ahern for helping me through that scary experience. However, after that little episode I picked my self up, brushed myself off, and got back at it. Finishing a gut wrenching workout, that really made me feel like a warrior WOMAN!!! LOL!

Now, here is something SO EXCITING that I want to announce… Later this evening, Chris Denise and I are going to be launching our first Video of Bringing Milfey Back. I will link my YouTube channel to the blog, and you will all be able to put some real life, live footage to this fun and torturous journey!!!  It is a tad embarrassing, (I have had a sneak peek) but, its not as embarrassing as standing in a sports bra and tiny shorts, with zero makeup on for the world to see……. LOL!! I guess I am getting pretty used to this embarrassing thing…. At least it builds character, (not that I was lacking character to begin with) but hopefully you know what I mean. HAHA! So be on the lookout this evening, I will be sure to share the link to FaceBook as well, wish me luck. 😉

NOW….. Let the trumpets blare, and like I say every week, without any further ado…. COVER YOUR EYES folks…. My picture progress and weigh in……. I am happy to announce that I burned off 5.9Lbs. this week!!! I guess the torture of the extra Tuesday workout along with cardio at the gym next to my house really paid off… I still have a LONG way to go, but IT’S WOOOOOOORKING!!!!

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I hope you all have a great Sunday, until next time,

Health and Love






  1. Your are definitely bringing MILFY back!!!!!! Your doing an amazing job I can’t believe your sprinting at 7 with an incline of 15!!!!! That’s crazy!!!!!! I’m beyond proud but not surprised. You kick major butt in Scott’s class! Go girl!!!

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