Splish Splash I was takin’ a ( Jicama-avacado and veggie ) bath, all upon a Saturday night… 2/28/15

Hi everyone! OK, here we go it’s another Saturday night… The eve before picture progress and weigh in Sunday. I have had nervous butterflies all day thinking about my big workout with Scott Samuel’s tomorrow at Push DT  at the Xtreme Marshal Arts and Fitness building at 9:15 am! I worked out starting at 5:00 am on Thursday and really got moving, my workout partner Chelsea and I decide to up our (non Scott) workout game… We did 35 min of elliptical, and did alternate sprints on the treadmill and stair climber machine. We raised our heart rates while we raised our game!  It wasn’t to big of a change, but  I decided that since I took the day off from working out today I would make a delicious veggie dinner infused with 2…. and ONLY 2… glasses of OUTSTANDING Chardonnay. 😉 We are still sipping slowly on our last glasses of this “manna from heaven” and will be pounding water starting at 10:30pm, just to ensure that we are hydrated enough to go through our morning workout. Having fun, and relaxing while still being responsible… Welcome to motherhood and bringing Milfey Back folks… LOL!

Our dinner tonight was a spur of the moment decision and included HOMEMADE, Pico De Gallo, guacamole, fresh cut Jicama, organic raw broccoli, organic dill and roasted pepper Greek yogurt dipping sauce, sliced cucumber, and sliced bell peppers….. IT WAS AWESOME! We made everything from scratch and because of that, it took us almost 2 hours to cut, chop, whip, and prepare it all…. BUT WELL WORTH IT!

I am excited, yet loathing tomorrow mornings workout. 4 new people (my friends) are joining our workout tomorrow morning. I am so thrilled my friends are contacting me and wanting to join in on the Bringing Milfey back adventure. I predict we will all be laughing, crying, and thanking God we made it through a “Push DT” workout together after tomorrow mornings workout session. 🙂

Here are a few pic’s of our dinner tonight, I hope you are all having a fantastic evening. Be safe and hope that you are on your way to a better more fit and fabulous you!!



Until tomorrow….

Health and Love




2 thoughts on “Splish Splash I was takin’ a ( Jicama-avacado and veggie ) bath, all upon a Saturday night… 2/28/15

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