B*%ch!!! A touch of Tourette’s Syndrome…. 2/24/15

Holy holy holy HECK! Hi everyone, I apologize for not checking in each and everyday this week. We have been beyond busy with getting life in order…. Welcoming our new AuPair Eliana, getting our schedules coordinated, raising babies, fitting in hot sweaty workouts, cooking, bathing, doing laundry, dishes, and just breathing has been overwhelmingly tedious .. HOWEVER, I’m back… Back to do work and raise some motivational workout HE (doublehockeysticks) LL!!


If you checked in on Sunday for picture progress and weigh in, you probably read that I did a giant workout with my trainer Scott Samuels at Push DT in the Xtreme Marshal Arts and Fitness building in Campbell Ca. I was so worn out, but managed to get in there on Sunday morning and get a torturous and rewarding workout in. Monday came around and I got into my regular gym and did 35 min of elliptical and then treadmill sprints, alternating with stair climbing at a medium level. After I finished Monday’s workout, I was feeling pretty worn out and accomplished, and figured what ever other movement and workouts I get this week will just be cherry’s on top of the amazing hardcore stuff I already did right????

WrongOla….. Last night I got a text from my trainer asking if I was in for another workout this morning (Tuesday) and I thought to myself “yeah right”… I chuckled and dragged my sore, lazy butt to the couch and began watching a show while chatting with my husband… THEN, I get a text from my friend and workout partner Chelsea saying “hey do you want to try to go for it and do another workout tomorrow”? I was still kind of laughing to myself thinking “ha ha, wouldn’t that be Kamikaze pilot of me if I actually did that… hahahahah)…. Then my internal chuckles turned silent…. I began thinking, “what if I did…. What IF I actually dragged my beat up A$$ back to that hardcore workout with my trainer tomorrow morning”?…..


I did it…. I text my trainer back without any more hesitation and said ” Chelsea and I are in, I will be there tomorrow morning at 9:15 am”….  Holy Moly, I committed to something I was not sure I could physically handle or endure. Yet, I said I was in, and being a human being of my word, I woke up this morning with 5 hours of sleep under my belt,  saw my husband off to work at 6:00am, got the kids up and settled with the AuPair and I was off!!! Off to a very anxious ridden ( what the heck am I doing???) workout.


TUESDAY WORKOUTS WITH SCOTT SAMUELS  SUCK ( in the most positive of ways of course) UGGGGGGGGG!!!!

This was such an intense workout for me, I now will never dread my Sunday HARDCORE work out ever again cause Tuesday workout put my butt into some serious check!!! A little voice inside my head was saying ” you’rrrrrrrrre baaaaack” as I sweat , puked up tiny bits of morning water, became slightly dizzy, and cursed out loud at some very random moments….

I seriously started thinking that I may have been having little bouts of Tourette’s Syndrom at one point during the chalkboard scratching workout… I caught myself shouting out or mumbling under my breath… B*%ch… B*%CH…. B*%CH!!!!!!! ( I never knew how much I admired, and thought about, the female dog in my subconscious mind) LOL!

I was kind of in a state of delirium as I moved from station to station, pushing myself like I haven’t pushed myself in a year… Still I’m not sure why I kept blurting out the word B*%ch…. But for some reason it gave me a small release…LOL!! In retrospect, I think I must have been speaking to the inner negative voice that kept saying “this is way to hard, what the heck am I doing” ?… I guess you can really say I was demanding my “inner bitch” to shut up and suck it up!!! 😉

Anyway, to make a long story a bit longer….. I did it… I finished… I did what I thought I couldn’t do….. I am STRONG.. I am POWERFUL… I am AMAZING… I AM POSSIBLE… IMPOSSIBLE can kiss my sore sweaty overworked A$$!!!!! It may not have been perfect,  cause I was wobbly, fumbling, and tired… But I did it, I tried, and in trying there is SUCCESS…… I did it, and most importantly  I was impeccable with my word ( the only thing that matters) and I proved to myself that I can get through anything!

My wish for you today is to put a sock in that “inner bitch” and DO IT! Get your able bodied butt up and DO SOMETHING.. Get out there and better yourself, move your body and be the change you want to see in your life and in the world!!! If movement was not in the cards for you today, there is always tomorrow, but until then EAT IMPECCABLY… CALORIES COUNT…. GET YOUR HEALTH ON FRIENDS, YOU CAN DO IT…. The only way you can’t is if your DEAD, and this blog is ALIVE …. Alive and fully freaking kicking!!  Have an amazing Tuesday night and know you are believed in, and until next time..


Health, and Love




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