Weigh in and Picture progress 2/22/15

Picture progress and weigh in day zoomed up on me like like a rocket ship! We have been so very busy introducing our new AuPair Eliana to our family and the United States of America! We have been showing her our routine from morning to night getting her accustomed and acclimated to our crazy lifestyle!  We are having a lot of fun introducing her to all of this, but my workouts got cut short this week. I was unable to workout on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. I did keep on point with my food intake and indulged with a little Saki at our sushi dinner on Saturday night…. I love my Saki… I just made sure to eat my rolls with no rice and also had sushimi and hot tea. I also had my SUPER workout this morning with my Trainer Scott Samuels at Xtreme Marshal Arts and Fitness. Just knowing I was going to partake in this mornings workout kept me mentally satisfied even though I missed those few days of workouts. I would love to have done more this week, but like I said I was unable to due to our AuPair coming. On the super bright side, having our AuPair is going to free me up to hit more workouts in the long run, and help in Bringing Milfey back more quickly. YAY!!!! Help and relief is finally here, I am so excited to turn this up into high gear!!

This brings me to the most embarrassing part of my Sunday evening’s… PICTURE PROGRESS AND WEIGH IN!!!!! Gosh, I am happy and thankful that I was able to move and get my buns to the gym at all this week. I am also a tad bummed that I missed a few days. However, the days that I missed were for a greater good and I will be thankful and grateful for everything I did achieve.

I feel like I’m procrastinating here, so without any further ado…… Weighing in at 185.6 lbs. another 2lb loss this morning… The very large, and IN CHARGE ( but shrinking and getting stronger) Lisa Marie Kallstrom… Drum roll please…and cover your eyes… 😉

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Well now that that’s over….. Everyone enjoy your night! Have a happy and safe Sunday evening, I’m now going to relax and enjoy the rest of the Oscars!

Health and Love




5 thoughts on “Weigh in and Picture progress 2/22/15

    1. Stacy face, thank you! I’m working on it momma!! HOTTTT DAMN!!! ( thats an inside joke between the two of us) if anyone else reads this! 😉 How are you doing fitness wise, are you moving more, and eating better than normal? Let us know, Im so interested! I love you!

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