Taco LESS Taco Salad 2/18/15

Hello! Wow it has been a very busy week, ( but what’s new). We have been preparing for the arrival of our live in AuPair to arrive tomorrow. Her name is Elianna, and goes by Elli she will be arriving from Columbia tomorrow evening and we are all very excited to host her! Having a live in AuPair is going to be a God sent. It’s really going to allow me to get back to work and dive head first into my intensive workouts, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! If anyone out there is wondering about AuPair services email me and I will fill you in. I always thought AuPair services would be out of this world expensive, but it’s actually very affordable and even less than most child care. You would have to be willing to have the AuPair live with you at your home for a year, and for us that is totally doable and exciting!

Anyway, despite all of the shopping and running around I have been doing with the kids to get ready for Elli I managed to get in 30 min of Elliptical this morning, but that’s it. Everything else I have done today has been washing new bedding, hanging paintings, and decorating our AuPair’s room.

I made a really yummy taco less taco salad last night to stay on track with my fitness goals and I will share that recipe with you right now!

What you will need:

  • 1 lb lean ground Turkey
  • hearts of Romaine chopped
  • 2 cups Tomatoes diced
  • 1 bushel cilantro chopped
  • 1-2 jalapeno’s minced (depending on spicy preference)
  • 1 Jicama chopped into cubes
  • 1 medium can of sliced olives
  • 1 can Kidney beans
  • 1 white onion chopped
  • 1 pack of gluten free taco seasoning ( I was lazy, but you can make your own if you wish)
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 small can of vegetable V8 juice
  • salt to taste or use none at all
  • garlic powder
  • 2 table spoons of Italian dressing


Begin by browning your Turkey meat in a large pan, brown for a few min then add in about half a cup of chopped white onions. Add in the taco seasoning, and follow directions on the package.


Next add all of your chopped veggies into a bowl. Tomatoes, the rest of the onion, cilantro, and jalapenos garlic powder, and the small can of V8 juice and a little salt to taste if desired.


Next put your chopped Romaine into a bowl, put your kidney beans, jicama, olives, avocado, fresh Pico De Gallo, and warm ground seasoned Turkey on top, and drizzle with your 2 tbs of Italian dressing.




Top with more of the fresh Pico De Gallo and EAT UP to GREAT HEALTH!



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