Mushroom Bruschetta on cucumber slices recipe 2/16/15

Hi everyone Happy Presidents Day, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend Kristie! Today has whizzed by again, and I almost can’t believe the sun has gone down and it’s almost time for bed already. This morning my husband was able to get into work later than usual so I was able to get to the gym at 8:00am rather than 5:30am, WHAT A RELIEF! It’s always nice to get a few extra zzz’s if at all possible.

I was so stinkin sore this morning from yesterdays workout with my trainer, that I took it a little bit easier than normal. I still managed to get in 35 min. of cardio on the elliptical, I did some rowing sprints for about 10 min, and then rode the stationary bike for 25 min. I then came home and cooked breakfast for my husband, Lillianna, Chris Denise from Reel Eagle studios, and myself. The Boys had farm fresh organic fried egg sandwiches. Lillianna had toast with peanut butter and a pear, and I had scrambled egg/egg whites with Tabasco sauce and some lemon water.

Chris Denise and I then got to work doing a video check in for Bringing Milfey Back. If you didn’t read it earlier, we are doing a documentary and going to be setting up a YouTube channel documenting the video portion of this fun time project! YAY!! I will be sure to keep you all posted, and will be connecting the channel directly from this blog to my YouTube channel. I am really excited about it, and will be fun to watch and look back at when I go and do this all over again after baby number 3!

I have decided to also start posting more recipes for everyone following along. I make so many different dishes that are helping me reach my goals, and didn’t think anyone would want to see so many. However, I have had an overwhelming number of people message, text, or email me about more recipe’s . Sooooo here is a tasty little number I made the other night. It’s mushroom bruschetta, served on cucumber slices for me and toasted bread for Kris.

What you will need

  • 1/2 a bushel of chopped parsley
  • 2 boxes of oyster mushrooms pulled apart into bite sized pieces
  • 1 cucumber sliced into rounds
  • Mozzarella cheese about 1 cup cubed
  • 1 clove of fresh chopped garlic
  • 1 tbs. Italian seasoning
  • 1 tbp.onion powder
  • 1 tbs. butter
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil


First get a large frying pan, and add olive oil and butter on medium high, then once butter and olive oil have melted and mixed together, add in your mushrooms. Stir the mushrooms around in the oil/butter mixture makings sure to saturate all sides of the mushrooms. Next sprinkle the Italian seasoning and onion powder, and half of the chopped parsley over the mushrooms, and stir again making sure you get the spices to get on all of the mushrooms as well. Next spread the mushrooms flat around the pan, reduce to medium heat and leave them alone for about 4-5 min.


After they have cooked nicely for 4-5 min. add in the rest of the parsley and all of the freshly chopped garlic. Be sure to stir them in nicely and reduce heat to low/simmer, for about another 5-6 min.


Last, while the mushrooms are still warm, take them out of the frying pan and place on a plate or in a bowl and add the cubed Mozzarella cheese. (You don’t want the mushrooms to be so hot that the cheese melts, you want them just warm enough to soften the cheese up but not melt it)  Mix all together, then spoon the mushroom/cheese mixture onto your cumber slices and enjoy!

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I made my husband Kris the same thing except put his on toasted bread. I also made a homemade Turkey vegetable red sauce that night and ate it over zucchini noodles. Here is a pic of Kris’s dish, and I will be posting my Turkey vegetable red sauce recipe this week too!


I hope this post finds you all in good spirits, have a safe and happy Monday night!

Health and Love


4 thoughts on “Mushroom Bruschetta on cucumber slices recipe 2/16/15

  1. Hi Love!
    Just wondering….are you tracking your calories on your Fitbit through this journey? If so, do you know the calories for the mushroom bruschetta? I preoared it last night for my dinner and it was delish!
    If not, no worries. I can guestimate!

    1. Hi Shawna, yes Im tracking but my fit bit broke and I JUST got a new one. I have been guesstimating my calories and not worrying to much as long as I keep the carb count to a minimum. I’m thrilled you made the mushroom bruschetta and liked it, thats awesome! We should be fitbit friends Shawna, my email is xoxo

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