Sunday Weigh In and Picture Progress 2/15/15

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend and a nice time celebrating or boycotting good ole Valentine’s Day. I woke up this morning pretty anxious and excited to weigh in and go to my workout class at Xtreme Marshal Arts and fitness this morning. Boy oh boy, did I get my butt handed to me on a silver platter this morning…. You know the old saying, “You play, you pay”… I tell ya, 8 hour sushi and booze sloshing around in my tummy this morning felt anything but pleasant. Yet, I powered through and it got it done, and left feeling very accomplished and SORE!

I weighed in this morning at 187.2, I lost a little over 2 lbs. this week and I feel pretty happy about that. I just have to keep on going, adding more and more intense workouts, eating healthy, keeping hydrated, and stay fueled with the proper vitamins. I made some delicious healthy foods over the past  week, and will be sharing some recipes in my upcoming blog posts.

I have to get over to target to get my new FitBit ( mine broke) so I must cut this blog a tad short today. I have to make hay while the sun shines, so here goes nothing…..( I can’t wait until the day this is not so embarrassing)….. My picture progress for this week.

187.2 lbs

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Everyone have a fantastic week!

Health and Love,




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