Zucchini chips to the rescue! 2/12/15

Hi there! Ok, I had another walk/jog day totaling 4 miles today. I realize its not that much but everything counts! I have decided to post more of what I am eating “live time” so if you want to follow along with me we can try to make our food together, rather than seeing how I progress exercise wise verses food intake as well!

I’ m going to give you one of my favorites, this little beautiful snack holds me over and makes me feel like I’ve really had a super fantastic treat! These are zucchini chips, and if you can use your imagination, they really feel like your munching on potato chips!

What you will need

  • 3-4 medium zucchinis
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • sprinkle of onion powder
  • sprinkle of garlic powder
  • sprinkle of salt
  • sprinkle of pepper
  • baking sheet

Slice your zucchini in even thin slices, use a Mandolin if possible to get the most accurate even slices.

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Place all pieces onto a paper towel to absorb juice/water they excrete

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Next, put the sliced zucchini into a bowl and and olive oil, mix and stir until all of the pieces are evenly coated.

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Next place on a baking pan and sprinkle all spices on them make sure they are evenly coated, then put into the oven at 225 degrees for about 2 hours. Remove and let cool for about 30 min,( be sure to let them cool, they crisp up while cooling )and enjoy! You can store the chips for around 3 days… you will be luck if they last 3 hours, they are that good!

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Be sure to store in an air tight package!

until next time!!

Health and Love




2 thoughts on “Zucchini chips to the rescue! 2/12/15

  1. Lisa, love the postings of your amazing recipes, we have been enjoying them!
    I do have a question on your exercising. Before you do your walk/jog do you do the exact stretching that you do before your work outs with Scott? Also, when you are done do you do any stretching? Just wondering if this would or is a benefit or a must. Can’t wait to see the workout videos. The photos of you doing the stretching was so helpful at least for me to see how it is done safely and which muscles to stretch!
    Also, did I tell you today that I love you????

    1. Momma Mari-Ann! Yes I stretch every time I get a chance. I do it at home as well, but not as much as I do when I’m at the gym. Also, scotts workouts have about 15 min of stretching time carved out, so that is really good. Just stretch as much as you can, like when your watching TV, it all adds up! I love you! xo

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