I’m in love with a Veggetti…. 2/10/15

Hi there! I didn’t post yesterday, by the time I got finished with my 8 mile run/walk I came home and started preparing dinner. I ended up getting finished with photographing my food and cleaning up around 11:00pm, and by then I was exhausted so I hit the sack. I do have my recipe and pic’s of  last night’s dinner to share with you all at the end of this check in though! 🙂

This morning I woke up before the rooster and got into the gym at 5:30am. It was a tough one, but again it was the only time I could go before my husband had to leave for work. So I took my opportunity and got in there and hit the elliptical for 35min. burning 400 calories and headed back home! I would have loved to stay longer especially since the hard part ( waking up and getting in there ) was done, but I really have to take what I can get these days and I left energized and proud! I had a surprise phone call from my cousin Allyson and her baby KiKi later this morning, and they decided to come down and go on a 5 mile walk with the kids and I. We packed up, and went for exercise round 2! We walked all around our town, stopped for lunch at Noah’s bar and bistro, and headed back. I had a lovely salad topped with a hamburger patty there and really enjoyed it!

I am completely exhausted and am going to prepare leftovers for Kris and the girls for dinner tonight, then try to get to bed as early as I can so I can do it all over again tomorrow. I have to say, I am still sore from my major workout on Sunday and feel like anything I do at all is just icing on the cake for the rest of the week. I figure that this is when it counts most. I know I got a huge workout in that left me sore on Sunday, but if I can just power through it, all of this extra movement will really add up and make a difference by the end of the week. Everyday and EVERYTHING counts, I’m going to keep pushing and keep grinding until I meet my fitness goal and beyond! I hope you find something to motivate you,  get up and move that boogie body party people, you can do it!!

Workout summary for today:

  • 35 min of elliptical
  • 6 mile walk

I really enjoyed last night’s dinner and will be sharing the recipe, and tools I used to make it, I hope you all try it and love it!

Zucchini noodles with clams and lemon garlic oil:

What you will need:

  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tbs. butter
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tbs. Italian seasoning
  • 2 tsp. Onion powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. pepper
  • Zucchini 1 per serving
  • 4 cloves Fresh Garlic ( I used 4 cloves, but it’s up to you) hashtagGarlicLover 😉
  • 1 bushel Parsley chopped
  • Chopped Clams (I used 5 cans, my husband loves them, but 3 cans will be fine)
  • 1 Veggetti ( I got this at the fabric store of all places in the “as seen on TV” section) hashtagweirdo 😉

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First take your oil and butter and melt in a pan over medium heat, then add in garlic and chopped clams

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Let the garlic, clams, oil and butter cook together over medium high heat for about 10 min stirring frequently, the clams have a tendency to pop and escape from the pan, if this happens lower heat and stir more. After about 10 min add a little over half of the chopped parsley into the pan, and stir together.

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Put this pan on simmer and stir occasionally, make sure everything is nice and blended together. Then add your spices. Sprinkle the Italian seasonings, Onion powder, salt, pepper, and 1 squeezed lemon into the pan. Stir all of the spices in, then return pan to medium low heat. Always watching and stirring occasionally.

Next, put your zucchini into the veggetti and make your “noodles”

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Drizzle some olive oil into a frying pan, and cook zucchini noodles on medium/high for about 5 min. or  until desired consistency.


Last, put noodles on a plate, and cover with some of your clam, garlic, lemon sauce. Garnish with some of the fresh parsley and ENJOY, I sure did!


Until tomorrow everyone!

Health and Love




6 thoughts on “I’m in love with a Veggetti…. 2/10/15

    1. Certainly Allyson! It was so nice to go on the walk and have lunch with you yesterday! Happy we went and got your Veggetti, I guarantee they will be sold out in no time because I posted that they had only a few left. Let me know how you like it! LOVE YOU TOO!

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