Butterflies are beginning to flutter! 2/7/15

Hello everyone and happy Saturday, I have magically been healed from the flu thank goodness! I woke up this morning feeling 99% better, I laid low today and took it easy just to assure that I was completely healed. I focused on hydrating myself, taking my vitamin’s and  supplements and have done lots of stretching. This is all in preparation for tomorrow, it’s my first day back with my trainer Scott Samuels, oh boy are the butterflies starting to flutter!

I am really nervous because I know just what I’m in for, and I know that my fitness level is not up to where I normally start his sessions at. However, I figured “what the heck, I am never going to be truly ready” so I’m just going to go for it! Wish me luck folks cause I am surely going to need it. I am also going to be documenting this on YouTube soon and this first session is going to be taped as well. We are going to be capturing all of this from beginning to the end, and truly there is no “end” but we will have to stop sometime once I reach or surpass my goal.

Tomorrow is also weigh in and picture progress day!! I am interested to see what kind of dent I made this week. I had a 48 hour set back from being bombarded with the flu, but I really powered through the rest of the week. Only the scale and photographs will be the judge, I still have quite a way to go, but I am moving forward and will not quit! I look forward to reporting back tomorrow on how my first major workout went and talking a bit about the benefits of stretching and massage.


Have a great night everyone, I am hitting the sack so I can wake up bright and early tomorrow ready to get a workout in, until tomorrow…

Health and Love



3 thoughts on “Butterflies are beginning to flutter! 2/7/15

    1. Hey Nicole hopefully soon, we are waiting on a friend that is going to help me put up a YouTube channel! I been filmed all week and today was my first day back to Scott Samuels my trainer and OH BOY are we going to have so crazy footage!

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