Go with the flow…. 2/6/15

Good evening everyone, I pray your Friday has been better than mine! I got hit with a hard case of the FLU last night, and have been couch ridden all day! Thank goodness my mom was able to come over and help me watch the girls, I was pretty miserable, and am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Today my movement and exercise summary goes like this, 1,872 steps all from the couch to the restroom and back. Zero flights of stairs, and according to my fit bit I burned 1,802 calories ( don’t ask me how that is possible). Today has been rough, both physically and mentally but I am choosing to go with the flow. I am listening to my body and was able to sleep and take a break, and looking forward to making a full recovery very soon! I especially can’t wait to recover and get moving because if I have to watch the movie Frozen one more time……. I may go crazy.. LOL!


Anyway, I look forward to feeling better and reporting back by Sunday, I’m wishing you all a safe and fun Friday night!

Health and Love


4 thoughts on “Go with the flow…. 2/6/15

  1. Lisa, so excited for our next upcoming adventure a what an amazing one it will be. It’s going to be insane, such an amazing goal for the both of us, can September be here now? LOL

    1. I am very excited too, and had such a nice chat with you today. I look forward to the upcoming adventure, it will be here before we know it!!

    1. Hi Nicolina, it was a miracle we are all better now!! Thank you for checking in, we love you!

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