Late night check in 2/5/15

Hi Im checking in by the hair of  a chinney chin chin! Today was another long and exhausting day but we made it through! I got to the gym this morning at 5:10am and got in 32 min of cardio on the elliptical. My husband had to leave the house by 6:00 this morning so it was a quick and dirty workout! I was tired getting up and going in and again, by the time I left was feeling awake and energized! I was more proud of myself than anything that I buried the excuses of why I couldn’t make it in this morning and got in there even if it was just for 32 min. these are the days that count the most. The days that I can easily make up a logical excuse of why I just can’t make it, but instead I got it done anyway. I hope whatever you did today, you go to sleep feeling satisfied and happy that you moved to the best of your ability and if you didn’t, don’t worry, its a fresh slate tomorrow! Get moving my friends, and be sure you are making healthy food choices!

My workout summary for the day is:

  • 13,378 steps equaling 6.28 miles
  • 32 min on the elliptical
  • 3,177 calories burned

I thought this was a cute poster, I especially like number 10! Good night everyone!

Health and love




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