First Filming day! 2/4/15

Hello everyone! It has been one heck of a long day over here at the Kallstrom house. Lillianna, our 2 year old woke us up at 2:30 am vomiting in her sleep, then at 4:30 doing it again! Unfortunately she was also sleeping in our bed so we had to strip the sheets and change her 2 times and the 3rd time we had to give her a shower and try to go back to sleep (poor little one) ! She was feeling much better this morning, and throughout the day but not her normal perky self. Hopefully she will be headed towards a full recovery by tomorrow. Anyway, it has been a loooooong day for this tired mommy, to say the least.

After waking and taking care of the girls, and doing all of the bedding laundry we began a fun day of filming for Bringing Milfey Back! Chris Denise from Reel Eagle studios followed us around all day documenting our every move. From babies vomiting, to pooping…. From grocery shopping to preparing dinner… From squeezing in a workout to shutting down the house, he has been with us all day. We are going to add video to this blog probably in a youtube form so be on the lookout!! OMG YIKES!!

I have to tell you, I am a bit surprised at how much I actually walked, ran, climbed, and shuffled around my house today. I did an intentional 2 mile run tonight ( that was all we had time for) and the rest of my movement was done in my home and a small amount at the grocery store. As of right now I have stepped 24,388 steps, that’s 11.46 miles,  climbed 22 floors, and burned 3,617 calories, and remember only 2 miles of this was done outside of my own home !  Talk about a busy body, I actually walked about 9 miles in my own home today, WOW WEE!

I just wanted to check in to let you know about my movement, I am so exhausted that I am in bed typing this on the laptop instead of in the office on the home computer. Tomorrow begins at 4:45 am, that is the ONLY time I can get to the gym. Kris leaves early again tomorrow morning, and I need to be home for the girls by 6:20am, it’s rough but I can do it.. I will do it, and as dreadful as it may sound I will stick a smile on my face and head out to Bring Milfey Back with joy in my heart. It’s days like this, when I’m beyond tired and ready to sleep for a year that I remember just how lucky I am to have the beautiful opportunity to actually do this to myself. I have the opportunity to get up, get out there and change my life and my health.  My life and my fitness are  in my hands, I have an able and incredible body that is lucky enough be put to the test if I really wanted to test it.

It’s days like these that I think of  all the people out there that might be sick, or injured, that cant do this to their bodies even if they desired to. I think about what they would give to be alive and healthy, and able to make choices that could extend their lives. So tonight I will go to sleep late and wake up early to go and exercise my body.  I will rise with thankfulness and gratitude in my heart  and the peace of mind that I am proactively DOING something to keep my body as healthy as I can. I hope this message finds you all happy, healthy, and full of love and hope. Make a positive change today, go and do something you may not want to do that betters yourself, and be thankful and grateful that you have the ability to do so.

My workout/movement summary for today is:

  • 24,388 steps
  • 11.26 miles
  • 3,644 calories burned
  • 22 flights of stairs climbed

This concludes my workout and movement for today, I am going to sleep as soundly as my children allow me! Good Night everyone, wishing you an awesome day tomorrow!

Health and Love,


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