Tuna Stuffed Bell Peppers 2/3/15

Hi Everyone, it has already been a very busy week! It’s my best friends birthday but we did a little celebrating yesterday afternoon. My aunt left this morning to go home to Arizona, we had a goodbye dinner for her last night, and my nephew had emergency surgery this morning removing his appendix before it exploded! My husband Kris had to leave at 6:30 am for work and the girls and I loaded up and took my aunt to the San Francisco airport at 6:45 am. We then drove back toward home stopping off at a friends house to meet her new baby girl Grace, made a pit stop to get my nephew a bouquet of get well balloons, and made it to the hospital just in time for him to be getting settled into his room after recovery! SHEEEEESH! I feel like the week should already be over and it’s only Tuesday night!
Despite all of the running around, I managed to go on an 8 mile walk/run and am now up to 10.82 miles total today and its only around 8:30 pm. I’m  sure I will be running around a lot more tonight getting the girls bathed,  put to bed, doing the dishes, and laundry. Even though I have a lot more movement to do tonight, I wanted to post just in case it got to late and I missed the boat!

I just finished making my dinner for this evening and I took photographs and will share the recipe with you, I made a delicious and healthy little meal and feel full and satisfied. Even if I didn’t do a “navy seal”  workout I can take control by eating right to be sure I am not going to be adding  unnecessary calories as I move closer to my fitness goals. I made Tuna Stuffed Bell Peppers, and they really hit the spot.

What you will need

  • 1/2 cup green onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped celery
  • 1/2 cup diced cucumber
  • 1/4 cup chopped white onion
  • 1/2 cup sliced  in 4ths cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tbs mustard
  • 4 tbs light mayonnaise
  • 1tsp onion powder
  • 1tsp garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 cans of tuna fish
  • 3-5 bell peppers

Chop all of your ingredients


Next mix it all in the bowl together, cut the tops off the bell peppers and clean out the insides


Finally stuff the Bell Peppers with the tuna and ingredients and they are ready to eat, Enjoy!


My total workout today consisted of an 8 mile walk/run and lots of rushing around 😉 Have a fantastic night and look forward to checking in again to see how you liked the recipe!

Health and Love


2 thoughts on “Tuna Stuffed Bell Peppers 2/3/15

  1. Fabulous post Lisa. I am definitely going to incorporate these into my meal prep plan. You also need to get a Nike Fuel Band to track all of you movements and we can do it together. West Coast against East Coast baby!!!!

    1. Yes these are really yummy, and I had a fuel band and now have the fitbit, and I love it!!! WE can totally compare and contrast, its so much fun to track your movement! xo

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