Mental Speed Bumps 2/1/15

Good evening and Happy Super bowl Sunday! My blog today was going to be about the benefits of massage and stretching, along with my weigh in and picture progress. However, I had a small mental speed bump I have been rationalizing and dealing with all morning, sucking up all of my valuable and little to spare “mommy” time…. Yesterday I got to the gym and took a yoga class, I am currently beginning to feel the stiffness and soreness that comes along with moving my body. I am reminding myself to stay as flexible as I can make myself so ensure safety and to avoid injury, therefore I took a yoga class and will continue to do so, to make my body as limber as possible while training to get back to being fit and firm! Again, I will discuss the benefits of massage, stretching, and general bodywork in next Sunday’s blog because I sucked up all of my free time this morning, trying to battle and make sense of the number that popped up on my scale after a week of eating right and moving my body! UGGGGGGG!!!

I bet your wondering what this mental “speed bump” is all about, so I will tell you. I normally don’t weigh myself while training as I approach my goal because the numbers that show up on the scale can quite frankly be mentally challenging, if not defeating, and aren’t always an actual representation of what is happening in our bodies. On the other hand (if you are so brave), knowing and looking at your weight on a daily basis can be a huge help. For example yesterday morning I got up, went potty and weighed my self, I follow this routine around every other day. The numbers on the scales read 191.8, “oh wow, I thought, I am going to have another 4lb loss this week”! I was happy, and started adding up the numbers in my head of how the progress was going to be unfolding, and the amount I would be able to burn off in 1 month, 2months, and even 3 months later! I was getting so excited thinking about  the progress I was making and how I will be back in my bikini bod in no time! WOOOOO HOOOO! So, you know that old saying “DON’T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY HATCH” deal…..? Well, I was smacked in the face with that old saying bright and early this morning when I stepped on the scale and it read 195.8!!!! WHAT?!?! HOW IN THE WORLD!?!? OH MY GOSH!!! I didn’t even believe it, I thought ” there is no way, this is a mistake”, but it wasn’t. I weighed myself on my new fitbit scale and then ran up and weighed on my old reliable bathroom scale, and both read the EXACT same 195.8……..

*POP*…… That my friends was the sound of my excited, happy, mental bubble being burst. I was so perplexed and bummed that I wandered around in a slump for the beginning portion of the morning. I was bouncing back and fourth with my thoughts, wondering if I really had done all I could do, I went over what I had eaten yesterday, and how much time I spent doing extra exercises. So I was really not prepared to see a gain! I was cretin that I had burned fat, and the numbers on the scale  in the worse case, would have stayed the same.

This brings me back to why it’s good to look at your weight either daily or a few times per week. I know that my body fluctuates, and will continue to do so as I reach my goals of being back in the best possible shape I can be. I have to remember to GO FORWARD at all costs, and not let this bummed feeling grow, make me feel like my goals are out of reach, and put me in a poopy mood. Instead I am proactively reminding myself that this is all part of the process, and I will not allow the negative chatter to seep in, and I will not become a victim of circumstance…. I WILL continue to get up and move, I WILL go through the peaks and the valleys in stride, and I will KNOW that success can and IS mine! I refuse to have it any other way than MY WAY!  So get out of my head negative thoughts, I refuse to acknowledge you, or give you any more of my precious mommy time and energy. I will now do one thing, and one thing only… Focus on the outcome I desire for myself, I will use my thoughts to empower me instead of hold me back. I am in control here, and those numbers on the scale can kiss their days goodbye!  I WILL succeed, I WILL embark on this journey with a happy heart, and I will continue to inspire and motivate not only you, but me as well, in this tumultuously  fantastic journey of Bringing Milfey Back!

Here is my picture progress, I weighed in at 195.8 this morning. According to the scale I am up a pound from last Sunday, I have a sneaking suspicion it is a lot of water weight, and look forward to progressing and moving forward starting now! SO…. cover your eyes folks… and take a peek at my (eh ehmmm) Progress…

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8 thoughts on “Mental Speed Bumps 2/1/15

  1. Muscle weighs more than fat! With all of that walking, is it possible you gained a pound of muscle?
    Don’t fret, it’s all part of the journey!

    1. You are totally right Shawna, and I know that’s what happens, I’m just mentally shaking it off and gonna to keep on truckin! Thank you for your support, I appreciate it!

  2. Lisa you know how I feel about the scale. We went through this the last time. You just keep going. I’ll tell you what your pictures look better every week!!! Your melting away!!!! You go girl!!! By summer you will look amazing!! I’m going through the same thing and it’s so hard. I’m still having serious sugar withdrawals lol! I relapsed today and had chocolate covered almonds and a cupcake. So my scale is going to be mad tomorrow morning. 🙁

    1. Oh Blo! I know about you and your sweet tooth!!! HAHAHH!! As long as your not craving Chinese food, I know your ok!! LOL!! I just remember you loved Chinese food when you became pregnant! You are right, this is all part of the process and I am just going to keep on going. I cant wait to break through that barrier where I could care less what the numbers on the scale say because my pre baby jeans will do the talking for it! 😉 Love you!

  3. Good job Lisa! Don’t let it get you down. That exact same thing happened to me right after I gave birth (both times). I would have huge 10 lb fluctuations throughout the course of the day. It can be so exciting and even more distressful. I think its just your body sorting itself out and getting ready to return to its previous self! Love you darlin’!

    1. Thank you for the reminder Nicole! I know that is what happens, and no matter how much you try and reason with it, it still bugs you a teeny weeny bit! I totally agree though, and am just going to keep pressing forward! Love you!

  4. I’ve been having a mental speed bump for the 23 weeks. I can’t wait to have this baby and be finished with pregnancy and be on the same journey you are on Lisa. I am so proud of you and keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you Lauren, I can’t wait till you are done with pregnancy too, we have lots to accomplish this year!

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