BE <3 YOU <3 TIFUL 1/30/15

Good morning everyone, I apologize for not posting my exercise and movement from yesterday.  I got wrapped up in appointments, squeezing in a Walk/Run with the girls, making dinner, hanging with my auntie, and all sorts of other things that made 12:01pm come way to soon!  All week my husband has been having to leave for work before the sun comes up and has made it a challenge to get to the gym, so I have been the walking/running queen, and eating very  healthily, to balance it all out.I ended up going on an 7.5mile brisk walk yesterday afternoon with a bunch of sprints thrown in between city blocks. I also got 30 squats in, (3 sets of 10 throughout the day) with my 29 lb. daughter Lillianna on my shoulders. I did a 3 sets of  1 min. planks, and did  lunge’s  around my kitchen island about half a dozen times. To my surprise I am pretty darn sore today, witch leads me to tell you that I will be discussing the benefits of stretching and massage in this Sunday’s blog, so be on the lookout!

I have to tell you all, I am beyond thrilled at the outpouring of private messages, emails, text messages and phone calls that are thanking me and saying how inspiring, and motivating this blog has been! It truly is putting a smile in my heart and fueling my spirit to keep it up, so thank you to each an every one of you that are following along, and sharing with your friends and loved ones! I am so excited to have you following, and joining along with me on the journey to Bringing Milfey Back!!!

Over the past few weeks a few friends and acquaintances have said things like, “Wow Lisa, I cant believe you are doing this and letting everyone see your body like that”.  I have had someone say ,”You must be a very secure person to be doing what you are doing”. I have had people use the words, Brave, Ballsy, fearless, and courageous, while describing my quest to get back at it and show my live time progress along the way…. Here’s the thing, yes I must admit it is pretty embarrassing and yes, I am a tad crazy for committing to something like this, while letting everyone follow along. However I wouldn’t have it ANY OTHER WAY…

This is the TRUTH, my truth, and there is nothing embarrassing about that at all, and as long as I sing the song in my heart and pay attention to my conscious, witch is my direct line to God, I can never go wrong! 🙂  I am so saddened with the majority of  social media influencing people, especially  our youth, in a negative way. I have a lot of young friends, family members, and acquaintances on social media. I am constantly seeing them post things, or act in a certain way,  that doesn’t accurately represent themselves . I have noticed that everyone is trying so hard  to be so “original” that originality has been lost all together. People steal other peoples philosophies, and ideas, and values  and then go vomit it out all over social media as if it were there own. Where are the walk the walker’s?  Its time to bury the talk the talker’s!   “Be the change you want to see in the world” – Gandhi.
  Just being ourselves is so original you couldn’t duplicate it if you tried!! We are all THUMBPRINTS OF GOD!  Thumbprints are so unique, that there is no one in the entire world that is here now, or has ever existed that has the same thumbprint as YOU,  not even identical twins have the same thumbprints. How special is that!!?!?!? The answer is uniquely, fantastically, out of this world, original and SPECIAL! So, what I’m trying to get at here is this. As embarrassing as this project may be, it’s me… original, non ego based, love filled, motivated ME, and I am loving sharing all of my little tips and tricks with you, original beautiful YOU. 🙂  I thank all of you for acknowledging my courage, willpower,  and my will to help others in anyway I can, even if it means letting it all hang out! LOL! There is nothing more special than being and living your “God’s thumbprint”. I encourage you all to go out there today and be your truest most authentic self, and see the blessings that unfold!

Yesterday’s movement and exercise summery:

  • 9.26 miles walked/ran
  • 30 squats ( with a 29 lb little girl on my shoulders) 😉
  • 3 sets of 1 min. planks
  • around 60 lunges
  • 15 min of stretching

We will see what exercise I get in today, and I will be impeccable with my healthy eating, I look forward to Sunday’s blog about stretching, and massage and my weigh in and picture progress!  Now get out there and do something to better your existence! WOO HOO!  until then Health and Love, AND ABOVE ALL….




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