Tinkle be gone, and Welcome Kegel ! 1/28/15

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a beautiful day! I’m checking in to let you know how I got moving today and what my total movement was. I know the day is not over, and there is still time to get some exercise in but like I said yesterday my aunt is arriving and I have been busy preparing dinner and waiting for her to get here!

I had my last OBGYN appointment today to just make sure I’m all ready to resume physical activity, and get this journey going full steam ahead. I loaded up the girls this morning and made it to my appointment with 2 minutes to spare, (Pat on the back) since I seem to always be on the mommy slowpoke mobile! I am actually feeling great after giving birth and things are all back to normal ( besides my friend “Tinkle” that seems knock on the door and show up when I decide to run or do any pounding sort of exercise)…..  But besides Tinkle, I am doing great and I know I will be able to resume all exercise very soon! I’m telling Tinkle to pack it’s bags and go on permanent vacation, Tinkle’s cousin Kegel is coming to take your place!   This momma is on a mission, and has a lot of work to do, and I don’t have time for potty training shenanigans at my age!

Any who…… I love going to my OBGYN’s office because I have made friends with all of the staff, Mechelle, Reesha, Melissa, Adriana, and Kelly are the best, and after 9 months of weekly visits we have become pretty tight ( No pun intended)! I took the opportunity to visit with them and tell them and the rest of the office about Bringing Milfey Back and their enthusiasm for it made me even more excited to keep on going and sharing. What better place to share a Blog like this than at a Dr.’s office full of pregnant and post pregnant ladies, and my Dr has agreed to come along to my workouts once I resume with my trainer. How fantastic is that!!?!? Pretty fantastic in my opinion… 😉

After the successful trip to the OBGYN, I decided to zoom home, put on my walking shoes and hit the road with my gal pal Chelsea and the kiddos. I only had a few hours to get something in before I needed to be back to prepare for my auntie’s arrival. Again, I would have loved to have gone to the gym but I have the girls and no babysitting. It’s OK, I needed to move and this brisk walking would have to do. We ended up walking a quick 6.50 miles, while taking turns pushing the stroller while the other one sprinted ahead and back. It really got our heart rates up and added a little extra oomph to our workout. We then arrived home, and I got to work preparing my fresh pico de gallo, chicken verde, changing, and feeding the girls, preparing my aunts room and cleaning up all of the other random spills and messes you do as a mom along the way. I just checked my fitbit and it is saying that I now have 19,790 steps equaling 9.30 miles. Wow, what a difference a walk and clean up can make, and my day is not even done yet. Like I always say, it may not have been the workout of a professional athlete, but I moved, I got my butt up and did something heading towards the goal of bringing Milfey back, and I hope you did too!

As promised I am posting pics and the recipe of my fat burning salad that I made last night, so here it is.

  • What you will need:
  • 2 cups of cherry tomatoes, cut in halves
  • 2 cups cucumbers, diced
  • 4 cups of avocado, diced
  • 1 cup of red onion diced
  • 2 tbs of fresh garlic, minced
  • 3 tablespoons of lime juice
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Here is a photograph of all of the ingredients chopped and ready to go!


Next is a photo of all of it in the bowl, and my Sous Chef Lillianna mixing away!


Then the final product, it is amazingly tasty and delicious!


ENJOY eating your way to excellent health!

My movement and workout summary for the day is

  • 19,799 steps= 9.30 miles
  • 3,070 calories burned

I hope you all find this post amusing and informative, and look forward to checking in tomorrow!

Health and Love






3 thoughts on “Tinkle be gone, and Welcome Kegel ! 1/28/15

    1. Hi Zabor, I’m not quite sure what you mean, but if you got to the menu section and click on “Blog” all of my earlier blog’s should come up. I hope that helps, and I’m happy you will be following along! I look forward to hear what you think as we progress, have a wonderful day!

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