Better late than never 1/27/15

I’m checking in late today because I really thought I would be able to get a “real” workout in before heading off to bed. Today was grocery shopping day, and to put it mildly, it takes me a LONG time to get in and out of the stores with both of the girls. Thank goodness I had my friend joining me,  she was the most amazing assistant. We made it to 3 different stores in the matter of a mere 5 hours!! It’s getting faster, but boy I’m still on the slow boat, sheesh!

I ate 2 egg protein muffins this morning, took all of my vitamin’s and downed my fiber/green drink before heading out. However, we were out for so long we both became ravenously hungry. Where were we to go? Where could we get something that would fill us up and not bust through the calorie barrier? AH HA….  Good ole’  In and Out burger, what a lifesaver! I ended up having 2 protein style cheeseburgers with no spread, just mustard, pickles, onion and tomato, and a water. It really hit the spot and allowed me to make it to one more store and then home to prepare dinner without passing out. For the record, In and Out is the ONLY fast food style place that I will ever go, just had to make that clear. 😉

Once home, I put all of the grocery’s away fed and changed the girls, took the dogs out and then started preparing dinner. My husband Kris had a very long day today and despite leaving at 6:00am didn’t arrive home until after 7:00pm. I had no babysitting for the girls and was becoming pretty bummed that I didn’t get my workout in. Since hitting the gym and going for a big walk was out of my control today I figured I needed to eat especially well tonight. I made a fat burning salad and homemade organic vegetable soup. I ate 3 bowls of soup and two helpings of my fat burner salad. I feel full, content, and happy knowing that I was able to make my meals and enjoy them knowing I was fueling my body and supplying it with a lot of  nutrients.

Now, I bet your wondering, “Fat Burner Salad, what is that”? Well guess what, I took photos and wrote down the recipe and will be sharing the awesome fat burner salad with you in tomorrows post! Tomorrow is  another day filled with Doctor’s appointments, and I have my aunt flying in and staying with us starting tomorrow evening. I am going to try my hardest to squeeze in a workout, and I am certainly going to eat foods that will assist me in reaching my goal. I hope you all had a wonderful day, and got some exercise in! My workout/ movement summary goes like this so far:

  • 11,961 steps, that is 5.64 miles of grocery store and Target walking folks!
  • 2,789 calories burned according to my FitBit so far today.

That concludes my workout and movement check in for today.  I have to remember that some days are going to be like this, and that is OK, I have tomorrow and I have the power of making healthy and proactive food choices on my side as well, and so do you. Good Night friends, I look forward to tomorrow and a fresh slate of new opportunities to make my goal a reality.

Love and Health


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