The power of an hour! 1/26/15

Good evening everyone, what a lightning fast day it was for us over here in the Kallstrom household. I can hardly believe it’s almost time to go to bed again, how is time zooming by so quickly?!?! My husband and I joke all the time that we are living “groundhogs day”, ahhhhh the life of two parents with two little ones, I’m sure some of you can relate! I popped awake this morning before my alarm went off 7:45, hoping I didn’t sleep in because I felt surprisingly rested. I checked my fitbit and it logged that I got 4 hours and 15 minutes of sleep last night and 158min of that was restless. Normally that would be an awful nights rest, but it’s a full hour more rest than I averaged in the past two weeks, I was hitting 3 -4 hours of restless sleep tops. What can I say I’m a momma to a newborn, I think “restless” sleep is what all mom’s get at this stage, we are on high alert for quite a while and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Reading my sleep statistics, and noticing what one little hour of extra sleep did for me energy wise was pretty amazing. I started thinking of what a small amount of time an hour actually is compared to a 24 hour cycle, and what a BIG impact it had on my energy levels. Witch brings me to this thought of the day… If I/we just took an hour, one little hour, out of our day to do some sort of exercise or extra movement that we typically don’t get what kind of BIG impact that little hour would make over time! Try and see what the power of one little hour can do for you. I am comparing it to sleep, but let’s apply it to working out. I’m telling you that little hour made a word of difference for me, and I still had 23 hours of “normal routine” left to spend how I pleased, AWESOME!

I arrived at the gym at 8:30 this morning ( Kris started work later than normal today so I was able to hit the gym later than 5:30 YAY!) and did some solid exercise. I used the elliptical for 35 min at the intensity of 9-13, the last 2min and 15 seconds I turned it to level 15 and pushed as hard as I could and built up a pretty good sweat! Now, the gym was packed this morning at that time and there were not to many cardio choices available, so I got on the new and improved stationary bike and pedaled my little butt off for 32min. The stationary bike is not typically my piece of cardio equipment of choice, but it did the job, and I felt satisfied when I left that I burned some good quality calories.

Now, I realize that my workouts and walking are not the most “intense” right now, but I am just getting started. As long as my body keeps healing and shedding the pounds like I have been doing I promise my routine will get more interesting…. Almost uncannily  interesting, I am just laying down the foundation to assure safety and success, and we all have to start somewhere, and I’m starting from scratch.  I want to ensure I can bring Milfey back and make my body even better than ever! Impossible you say? But I’m getting older you say? Horse poop I say! I’m possible and so are you, it just takes one day, one hour, one second at a time, and it is NEVER to late, NEVER!!!

Later on this afternoon I had a lunch meeting with a really cool film guy, Christopher Denise from Reel Eagle studios ( kids in tow) so that made it extra interesting! 😉 He is going to begin filming some of my workouts and doing  “a day in the life” kind of documentary on bringing Milfey back so we can all see first hand the exercises and daily activities that are helping to achieve my fitness goals. This is probably going to be a tad embarrassing until I really get the ball rolling, but I think I am getting used to embarrassment at this point (ie: my Sunday progress photos) so bring it on! I am really excited to share the struggles and triumphs with all of you, and it will be awesome to actually be able to see real live time footage! What do you all think about that? Would you be interested in seeing footage of the journey? Let me know, and until then GET MOVING!! YOU CAN DO IT! The summary of my daily movement and workout is this:

  • Eliptical 35 min
  • Stationary Bike 32min
  • 8,749 steps ( and counting) that’s 4.11 miles so far
  • 2,769 calories burned so far today

I hope you all had a wonderful day, and look forward to checking back in tomorrow, until then…

Health and Love


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