Weigh in and Picture Progress. Also Supplement Sunday 1/25/15

Hi, happy Sunday, well kind of.. I’m about to share my 3 week progress photographs! I have lost a few more lbs. YIPEE!! After the week I have had it feels like I should have lost 20lbs…. but I will take what I can get, and a 4 lb. loss is super  fantastic! Also, remember I fluctuate on a daily basis maybe more than someone who hasn’t just come out of pregnancy, so let’s just keep on truckin’ at whatever your progress may be!  I still have a long way to go on my journey to bring Milfey back, but my momentum is starting to pick up speed and no matter how I feel at the moment, I try and better myself, and workout,with a happy heart!  The summary of my week is this:

I weighed in at 194.5lbs this morning, it is a 4.1 lb weight loss since last Sunday! Here is a slide show showing my progress, I still can’t believe I’m posting these, but I’m just going to hit publish, walk away and pour myself a stiff drink…. J/k! Again, the visual progress is not to much different from last weeks, but the scale says I’m going down, so I have to believe it

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As promised, I will now be sharing some of the vitamin’s and supplements I use on a daily or weekly basis, that I feel help me to have the energy and added nutritional advantage while getting my sweat on! Now, I cannot reiterate this enough, I am not a doctor, I am not saying to go out and purchase these things right away and ingest them.  We all have different bodies, DNA, weight issues, medical contraindications, and allergies. Talk to your health care professional before trying anything new, and always read the ingredients and label’s, just to be sure you are being safe. We only have one body, and we want to keep it around as long as possible. 😉

These are the supplements/vitamin’s I take. Some of them I take daily and some once to twice a week. The protein powder that I take works really well. However, after reading the last few ingredients, (sucralose and soy lecithin) I will be hunting for a new one, and when I find one that I find suitable, I will share it with you!

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I drink 1 gallon of water per day NO EXCEPTIONS, I also add in green tea and Lemon water that I use my gallon for, along with chugging or sipping away.  Water makes your body work and the world go round! You will rarely see me without a gallon of SPRING water in hand. I bring it to the gym, I take it grocery shopping, it’s sits shotgun in my car, and spends the night on my nightstand, just so I can wake up and guzzle away to start my day. PLEASE HYDRATE YOURSELF AT ALL COSTS!

  • Woman’s One, Rainbow Light brand

I Like this one a day vitamin because it has a good reputation, and is organic. It is also Gluten and Soy-Free, easy to digest, promotes brain, nervous system, and immune health. Along with providing daily vitamin’s and minerals.  Again, this is my choice of vitamin, but I suggest you do research to find one that fits your health care needs, but if you want to try this one  I would say “good for you” it’s my personal favorite!

  • Folic Acid

Considering, I am in the child rearing years and am going to go for one more, this little guy is a must have for me! When taken long term and at the recommended doses, it can help prevent neural tube and birth defects while pregnant.  Folic Acid has also been known to  protect our cells from damage, and can be very helpful with the “C word” (cancer) protection. Folic Acid is found naturally in Leafy Greens, Citrus Fruits, Whole Grains, and Beans. This tiny little tablet is a BIG POWERHOUSE, and very easy to swallow, and I take it once a day.

  • Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 helps to strengthen our bones by assisting in the absorption of Calcium and Phosphorous. It is also a good way to help with the proper function of our immune systems. There as been some debate over the dosage that we should actually be taking, as for me I take 2,000 IU once a day.  Do your research, and if you find it to be something you would like take, you can decide on the proper dosage for yourself.

  • Fish oil, ultimate Omega, Nordic Naturals brand

I love fish oil but don’t eat a whole ton of fish, so this is great for me! I suggest getting the lemon flavored if you decide to get this supplement, cause I don’t know about you, but I’m not to in to the taste and smell of fish oil… ugggg. The lemon disguises it perfectly and I can hardly tell I’m throwing down a capsule full of fish juice, that just a whiff  of would normally make me barf! This capsule is deep sea fish oil, derived from anchovies and sardines. It is great for your heart, brain, and Immune system. On a personal note, once I started taking fish oil a few years back while training for a photo shoot, I noticed almost an immediate difference in the visual advancement of my body and muscles. Call it a ka-winki-dink,  but I’m hooked and will never give it up, I also take this once a day!

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract Tablets

It is and excellent source of Vitamin C, Potassium, Fiber, and Pectin. It aids in digestion and is known to kill off Candida that live in our guts. Candida can be  responsible for sending our brain messages to eat sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates,  this is how candida survives and will tell our brains to tell us to eat that sugary deliciousness without ever looking back. Grapefruit Seed Extract is full of powerful antioxidants, and helps to alkalize and stabilize our bodies PH levels.

  • Fiber supplement

I use Citrucel, but there are other more natural fiber suppliments out there. I will be looking for a new one to take, and let you know what I come up with. I need to take a fiber supplement because I (among a few other things) have had one bout of Diverticulitis. In order to keep my guts running like a lubed up slip and slide to avoid anything getting stuck in  the pockets of my intestines, I must take daily fiber. Eating enough fruit and veggies to help me get the amount I need would just be to much for me, I’d be eating ALL DAY! Fiber aids in the removal of waste and can help balance your diet. Find a fiber that works for you and drink up!

  •  Natural Calm

This is a natural Anti-Stress Drink that balances your Calcium intake and restores healthy Magnesium levels, and it is Vegan, and Gluten Free! I drink this warm in the evenings a few times per week as a replacement of or an addition to tea. It IS WONDERFUL in my opinion!

  • ChlorOxygen drops (mint flavor)

These little drops can be added to water or juice and they help build Red Blood Cells, and also increase the amount of oxygen available to our cells. I call it “plant blood” and add some drops to my 8.oz of fiber that I drink in the mornings, a couple times per week. Again, be sure you don’t have ANY contraindications before taking these drops. If you don’t I would surly recommend!

  • Protein Powder, Isopure low carb whey protein isolate

I start using this in between meals before and after strenuous workouts. I have not yet began using this again since last year, because quite frankly I’m not burning enough calories, and I am able to eat enough right now to keep my body going at a full post pregnancy level. I will certainly add  a protein powder into my daily routine as my workouts and activity level’s return to normal and exceed what I am doing now. Like I said above,  I will be looking and researching to find a protein powder that doesn’t contain Sucralose and soy lecithin and let you know what I choose.

  • Aloe Vera juice

I drink about 2 oz of this per day, it reduces inflammation, aids in digestion, improves circulation, regulates blood pressure, and is an excellent for detoxification. Aloe Vera juice naturally increases your metabolic rate revving up our metabolisms to help burn more calories. I try and get it injested any way I can, in water, juice, or just plug my nose and shoot it down.

  • Green Superfood, chocolate flavor, Amazing Grass brand

This my friends, is my ALL time FAVORITE!!! Not only is it Alkalizing and energizing raw plant based nutrition, it’s NON GMO, Gluten Free, Raw, and Vegan. I mix it up in about 4-8 oz of water in the mornings and shoot it down, sometimes even mixing it with my Fiber and or Cholroxygen drops. This green drink supports our overall health and wellness. It supports healthy immune and detoxification functions. It has probiotics and enzymes that support digestive health , and when taken as recommended gives you your daily dose of fruits and veggies! My favorite thing about this drink is the immense amount of Phytonutrients it is overflowing with. Phytonutrients are essential for keeping the human body healthy and ALIVE! When we ingest phytonutrients they help prevent disease and keep our bodies fueled to reach our full potential. As long as you have no contraindications to this AhhhhhMaaaaaaZing drink, I fully support and recommend it! Let me know what you think!

That sums up the vitamin’s and supplements I take weekly, I hope this helped and answered some of your earlier questions. Again this is all my Personal opinion, so I wont be offended if you decide it is not for you. Or if you decide to take one or two of my recommendations and use them, or just tell me you think this is all a bunch of bull. Just know it is all your choice, it is ALWAYS your choice.. I wish you all well in health and can’t wait to hear your feedback and answer any questions you may have, until then….

Health and Love


9 thoughts on “Weigh in and Picture Progress. Also Supplement Sunday 1/25/15

  1. This supplement article is so helpful…not only it’s nice to know what your taking but to know what each supplement is good for is great!!! I’m already taking some of the exact same ones and I’m definitely adding some new ones that your recommending!!! Thanks Lisa!

    1. Thank you Bahareh, and let me know what you think when you add in your new ones! I will be cheering you on from afar, lets bring these Milfey bodies back together!

  2. Thank you again for sharing all these wonderful supplements!!!!! Just ordered a few of the ones you posted. I will keep you posted how I like them and let you know my progress1

    1. AWESOME Stacy Face!!! I look forward to hearing what you think, and I hope they really give you the boost you need to really get going!!! XOXO

  3. Awesome, I can see a big difference in your weekly photos!!! You are such an inspiration. I feel like I 🙂 ave a little Lisa Angel on my shoulder cheering me on to achieve the goals I have set for myself. No excuses, get up and move, anything is better than nothing. We have tried a few of you recipes and love them. So far I have lost 7 lbs…so excited to keep going. I love being able to move and play with my grand babies!!!! Thank you for inspiring me! One question, would it be more beneficial to drink the lemon water as the whole gallon for the day or is the morning glass sufficient? Love you beyond reason!

    1. YAY!! I love hearing this Momma Mari-Ann, I am so proud of you and 7lbs is AWESOME!!! As for the lemon water, drink it per glass, it is important to drink in within an hour or less to ensure that the lemons enzymes don’t die off. You want to drink it fresh squeezed, and condensing it down into the glass is the best way to insure you get all the live active beneficial enzymes. Thank you for posting, and I hope I answered your question! Love you!!

  4. I forgot to mention I see a big difference in your photos this time from the previous ones!!! Your doing awesome!

    1. Oh thank you B, I can’t quite tell yet but the scale says I’m going down and I sure want to believe it! Hopefully the visual progression will really start to show as I move along!

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