Hi guys, I just couldn’t wait until this afternoon to post my lemonade recipe. This is how I start off every morning, and if you want to try it, I suggest you get started now. I will be posting my workout summary this evening and sharing my “Egg Pizza” recipe with you as well.
I have already been to the gym this morning from 5:30-6:30 and ran into a lovely friend who INSISTED I post my egg pizza recipe so she can make it for tonight’s dinner, so I’m sharing the Lemonade now and will post egg pizza later today…. Ask and you shall receive Stephanie Gnibus!! Until then let’s detoxify and melt our fat away together one sip at a time with our morning lemonade elixir!
There are so many powerful, healing, detoxifying, and nutritional benefits from Lemon water and Cayenne Pepper the list is endless. I will share a few of the benefits I find specifically helpful for me. I would encourage you to do some research of your own to learn more about these powerhouse bad boys and make your own decision if it is right for you too!
Lemons are loaded with Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, and B-complex vitamin’s . I drink it first thing in the morning because it aids in digestion and actually loosens the toxins found in our digestive tract’s. Drinking the lemon water along with the Cayenne Pepper helps to flush out those toxins and allows our liver to function more efficiently. Lemons ( unless you are allergic) are our pal, they assist in everything from clearing up our skin, supporting weight loss, producing energy, reducing inflammation, to even keeping our breath fresh and clean. Again the benefits are endless with our friend the lemon. Cayenne Pepper is a GEM. Helping to stimulate circulation, neutralizing acidity (just like the lemon). Supports weight loss and detoxification, relieves joint pain, and my personal favorite, reduces atherosclerosis making it difficult for blood clots to form! Again the list of health benefits go on and on, and I can’t emphasize enough why I love my Lemonade elixir! So as long as you don’t have any health contraindications that would prevent you from drinking it, what the heck it’s worth a shot, try it and let me know what you think!
What you’ll need:
- 1-2 fresh lemons
- 1-2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
- Truvia calorie free sweetener (or whatever other natural sweetener you want to use, like honey)
- Stay away from Aspartame at all costs, it will only make you sick and FAT!
- glass
First squeeze your lemons into your glass
Next add in the Cayenne Pepper and packet of truvia, and stir it up
Last add purified spring water and fill to the top of glass, put your straw in and you are ready to start sipping your way to good health. ( I use the straw because I don’t want the acidity of the lemon to wear away my tooth enamel) but it’s up to you, ENJOY!
Hi Lis!
Have you ever heard of xylosweet?! It’s a much healthier and more beneficial alternative to Truvia. Even Truvia has been found to be somewhat toxic. Xylosweet, also a natural plant sweetener, and has excellent benefits for your TEETH! It tastes EXACTLY like sugar and can be used just like it. No aftertaste or anything. They have it at whole foods but since you’re like me and avoid going to the grocery store with 2 babies at all costs, you can buy it on Amazon and have it shipped right to your door! Just thought I’d share in case you wanna give it a try! Also, if you warm the lemon water elixir each morning it metabolizes faster than cold water! And finally, how many days a week do you aim to hit the gym or do a workout? I hit orange theory tomorrow at 6 and look forward to more of your posts! Xo
That is great to know about xylosweet, I will give it a try next time, I am so sick of sweetners that fake the funk! Lol!
I am just super against Aspartame, and am always looking for the best ones. I am not a fan of warm lemon even if it works a little better, just because it reminds me of being sick as a kid. My mom would always give it to us that way and I still get a tad queasy just thinking about it. However the room temperature one that I do makes me think of fresh summer days, but by all means to whomever is reading this, do it warm if you would like. Like I said once I hit my weight loss goals and begin the firming up process I will switch to local organic honey.
SO about the gym question, now considering I just had a baby and am finally healing up I am trying to get to the gym or walk 5-6 days out of the week. I am starting off very slow compared to my “navy seal” style training my regular trainer has us do. I will be posting as the weeks go by and also showing video of the amazingly awesome, tortuously crazy, workout sessions with my trainer. It would be a very unwise move for me to even try and start back with him now until I get more fluid in my body , but I will keep you posted! Thank you so much Shawna for being so interactive on here, I am loving talking to you and reading your perspective too! Have a great workout tomorrow, orange theory is similar to the style training I do once I am back in shape. You go you gorgeous little momma! XO
Ha! That sucks that you are ruined for life over warm lemon water! It’s like warm tea to me.
Lemme know when you try the xylosweet. I’m a CRAZY PERSON about health and nutrition so I’m always researching and reading about what I’m putting into & onto our bodies! As for the gym 5-6 days a week, God bless! I just took a 4 month hiatus because of some hormonal frustrations that were keeping me fat! I have a naturopath helping to fix me now and just at the right time your blog popped up so I feel like I have a workout buddy getting started with me at my goal of 4 days a week for now. And of course, it definitely helps that you’re so gorgeously inspiring, bringing it on 3 months post baby. When I grow up I wanna be Lisa with a bikini body. That’s going to be my blog title should I decide to start one. In the mean time, I’m gonna bring it with my 2 1/2 year post baby body with a solid 20lbs to drop to get me at my fightin weight like your bikini body pics and have some fun following you while I do it. Orange theory is def an ass kicker but one that I love oh so much, so I’m excited to see your video postings of your navy seal workouts when the time comes. Until then, I hope you get some napping in when those beautiful babies nap during the day so you aren’t exhausting yourself with your workouts and only 4 hours of sleep a night! Don’t forget that a healthy balance is just as important!