Checking in, and a protein egg muffin recipe.

Hi everyone, happy Monday! Did you all get a little or a lot of exercise or movement in today? I hit the gym this morning and did 35min. of the Precor on levels 7-10, and I biked on the stationary bike for 30 min. Then came home and walked all over my house chasing my super energetic 2 year old.  I am almost to 10,00 steps on my fit bit, and have burned 2,599 calories today so far. I have eaten very healthy today, with lots of little snacks before dinner. Here is a great protein packed breakfast idea, I make them once every few weeks or so. I like to make a big batch and freeze the ones I know I won’t consume, and save them for a day I really don’t feel like cooking breakfast. I even eat them for lunch, or snack on them throughout the day.  I hope you try them, like them and make them all the time as well.  You can put whatever indigence you want in them, in this recipe I just used green onion, cheese and mushrooms. The combinations of ingredients  you can use are endless, one of my favorite combinations is tomato, basil and  mozzarella but I’m a mom to a new born and a 2 year old so going to the grocery store is kind of a big deal, and a taxing task, soooooo I just used whatever was going to expire soon so I didn’t waste anything I could make some healthy snacks out of. ( I am pretty frugal and crafty like that) Anyway, please tell me what you think, and I look forward to checking in with you soon.

Love and Health


Protein egg muffins

  • 6 eggs and 7 egg whites

  • 1 bunch of green onion
  • 1 cup of Italian blend cheese
  • 2 cups mushrooms
  • 4 tsp onion powder
  • 4 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp. sea or Himalayan salt
  • 1-2 tsp. pepper
  • Salsa of your choice
  • cupcake tins
  • nonstick spray


  • First chop your green onion, and mushrooms into very fine pieces.
  • Next crack your eggs put into a big bowl, and add egg whites, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Then beat them all together.
  • Put the cupcake tins into the muffin pans and spray the inside of the cupcake wrapper with nonstick spray.
  • take a ladle and scoop out a small amount of the egg mixture, fill each cupcake tin 1/4 of the way. (really only covering the bottom of the wrapper)
  • Then add your green onion, mushrooms, and cheese into each one, fill them to almost the top.
  • Now take the rest of your egg mixture and ladle on top, filling each one to the top as well, don’t over fill but don’t be afraid to get it right to almost the rim covering the ingredients  you just put in.
  • Pop them into the oven at 375 degrees and bake for about 30 min. ( check on them starting around 25 min. you can even giggle the muffin pan to see if the eggs are getting more solid)
  • The muffins may puff up over the top, but don’t worry once you take them out of the oven and let them cool they will shrink down to a normal size.
  • Finally, peel the wrapper off, plop some salsa on top and ENJOY!


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