Week one, over and done!

Hi there, well it seemed like this week dragged by at a snails pace for me workout wise, and the days melted by in what I call my time-warp of reality, mommy wise. I started off on Monday morning  at 5:00am waking up and heading off the the gym. Normally I would NOT want to wake up that early but that was the only time I had that  my husband was home to watch the girls for an hour and a half, so 5am it had to be. Lucky for me one of my girlfriends decided to begin this fitness mission with me, so she arrived at my house at 5:15am and we were off. I think it makes it a tad easier if you can get a partner, just so on the days you really don’t want to get up and at it, you can at least remember that you not only made a commitment to yourself, but to someone else as well.

I was eager to get in there, but a tiny bit embarrassed about my outfit choice, I haven’t purchased any new work out attire since having Lillianna so everything was super snug to say the least. I used a pregnancy tank top, squeezed into my long and biggest pair of workout pants, and covered up with my workout jacket ( that used to zip up and have a bit of room) that now barely covered my muffin top sides and off I went. I got to the gym with my gallon of water in hand and headed straight for the old reliable Precore machine, in my opinion its easier than anything else on my joints, and I’m not going to be doing any pounding running type exercises until I shed a few of these extra Lbs.!  I ended up doing 35 min of Precore on level 11-13, the highest being 20. Next I used the Rowing Machine for 5 minutes, and them finished it off with a brisk 20 min. walk on the treadmill. I felt pretty accomplished by the end, even though it wasn’t even close to the workouts I was doing with my trainer Scott Samuels  last year getting ready for my photoshoots, but we all have to start somewhere, and EVERYTHING counts!

The rest of the week was pretty much the same, with the same  type of workouts and the same routine.  I would get up at 5am meet my friend and head into the gym, do the Precore and walk, row, or bike.  Wednesday was a challenging day, I was only got 3 hours and 24 min. of restless sleep according to my fitbit, and felt like I was beginning to come down with a sore throat. My friend text me saying she was on her way, and was bring her father along on a guest pass. Well, thank God I thought,  she has someone else to go with today, and I am NOT feeling tip top and I felt  like I had sandpaper in my eyes to boot. I text her back explaining that I would not and could not join her because of these reasons, she said ok, and told me to feel better. That was that, I put my head on my pillow and closed my eyes…. about 10 seconds later I opened them, I had an uneasy and anxious feeling growing inside and I was desperately trying to make it go away and stand firm in my decision to skip the gym that day. After about 2 minutes I had had enough, my excuses just began to sound just like that, EXCUSES… So I whispered to my husband that I would be leaving to go tho the gym anyway, and dragged my sluggish unmotivated butt to the sink, washed my face, brushed my teeth, put some eye drops in my eyes and went to the gym, leaving my sleeping 2 year old and 2.5 month old sleeping soundly with their daddy.

At the end of that workout I was feeling so much better, even with only 3 plus hours of sleep under my belt and what felt like a sore throat coming on I felt fantastic, almost like I had taken an energy pill. I felt more awake, alert, and alive leaving the gym after a difficult workout than I did going in, and a  sense of pride replaced that anxious uneasy feeling I had while making my excuses and trying to believe them, that  I had earlier that morning. The moral of my Wednesday story is to just do it anyway, don’t listen to the excuses you will make up and try and believe, you will feel much better once you just get it done. If we can surpass and overcome the made up hub bub of our excuses, it will spark that awesome feeling of empowerment into our  being! You can do it, and no matter what,  it is possible!

Thursday my husband left on a business trip, and I was faced with the dilemma of no babysitter, and still getting only 3-4 hours of “restless” sleep per night according to my fitbit, so I couldn’t  go to the gym like I had planned. Instead, I put on my best walking shoes, met my friend at my door and headed out on a 5 mile brisk walk, kids in tow. I managed to reach over 10,000 steps that day, and despite not being able to go to the gym I felt it was a productive workout day nonetheless. Friday was no different, and I ended up reaching my 10,000 steps while shopping for my friends birthday present, running up and down my home staircase, doing dishes and laundry, washing and changing kids, feeding and letting the dogs out to potty, and all of the other never ending tasks mommy’s do during a random Friday afternoon. Still I moved…. Not as much as I wanted to, but it was something, and like I said before EVERYTHING counts!

Saturday came and along with all of the motherly household duties that I mentioned above, and more,  getting ready for my friends birthday party. I had no time to work out, but built up a good sweat just running around my house doing momma chores. I made it to the party and had a great time. There were lots of fabulous foods and drinks there, but I persevered and only splurged a little. I made myself one cocktail that lasted 4 hours and didn’t dine on any of the carbohydrate filled foods that tempted me at every pass by. Instead, I ate my 2 burgers with lettuce, and all the fixin’s with no bun, and ate a turkey dog the same way. Although I didn’t eat everything I wanted, I was full, satisfied, and having a great time. Once we left the party and got home we did the rest of our daily chores and headed for bed, I was excited to wake up this morning a weigh in. I mentally prepared myself that the numbers on the scale may not totally match up with what they should be in my head. I was hoping for a 2lb. weight loss at the most, but ready to accept whatever the scale said knowing I tried my best with the tools, and help I had during my first week of Bringing Milfey Back!

Well, (and I should say,results not typical) I weighed in at 198.6lbs, that was almost a 7lb. loss since the previous weigh-in last Sunday!!! OMG!!! WOW!!!!! Now, after my overwhelming happiness and a few giant pats on the back and some fist pounding air punches I realize this is my first go at it, and I just came out of pregnancy 3 moths ago, lots of this numerical success was just water weight, but I’LL TAKE IT!! Also, I have to mentally be prepared that next week when I step on the scale it  may not be the same, if not disappointingly different. I just have to keep going, one day, hour, minute, at a time, but no matter what, I will not quit. I have to know and feel that I will SUCCEED just doing one day at a time and keep going no matter what!

Well, that brings me to today Sunday… Photo day!! Here is my week 1  photo in my (used to be) favorite shorts and a sports bra, tracking my progress, successes, and failures every step of the way! Like I said I weighed in at 198.6lbs today, that’s about a 7 lb. loss this week , I have a lot to go to be that 148lb rock solid goddess that I once was, but here it goes, this is it….. cover your eyes people….. TA~DAH!!! Uggggg!! LOL!!

[soliloquy id=”181″]

I know, it looks pretty similar to my week 1 photographs with the all black outfit on , but the scale says I lost, and this is just what it still happens to look like…I will press on, and hope to see some more visually drastic changes soon.

I am planning on posting pictures each week on Sunday’s of my body in the same outfit to see what happens. Remember no matter how much we exercise 80 % of what we look like is from what we ingest on a daily basis. While blogging about bringing Milfey back, I will also be posting my own personal recipes and “secretes” that I willingly share,  that help me achieve my caloric goals and give me energy to continue on my getting fit and fabulous journey!

I will be posting recipes and photo’s of the snacks I make and eat at the beginning of the week to help me along, and posting daily with the details of my workouts. Lets do this together, I am ready and starting. I hope this blog brings you some inspiration and motivation, I know that just writing it down and sharing it with you is motivation for me! LET’S DO IT!

Here are a few photographs and the recipe of my little “power wraps” that help to curb my appetite while supplying taste and power that I mentioned above.

Love and Health.



  • 3 bell peppers
  • 1 bunch green onion
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 2 packets lunchmeat ( I used organic turkey, and beef pastrami)
  • 2tbs. Soy sauce
  • 6 tbs. Light Mayonnaise
  • toothpicks



Start off with the cilantro, green onion and bell peppers. finely chop the cilantro and set aide. Next slice your green onion, and bell peppers into lengthwise pieces about 4 inches long and set aside. Then take your Mayonnaise, and soy sauce and and put them in a bowl, mix well and add in cilantro, then mix again making a nice blended thick sauce.


Next, take your choice of lunch meat and lay flat. Spread your Mayo mixture onto the lunch meat, then place a few pieces of bell pepper and green onion into the center, roll it up and put a tooth pick through it. Below are the finished products, both turkey and pastrami. Put them into a sealed dish and place them in the refrigerator. Now you have a low calorie, healthy, protein packed snack you can eat between meals.


11 thoughts on “Week one, over and done!

  1. hey lady! I look forward to following your journey! I’m curious: do you do your morning workout in a fasted state, or do you workout after a meal? love the snack tip!

    1. Hi Kristie my love! It depends on the time of my workouts, when I get up and go that early I dont eat anything, unless im starving, I will make a quick protein shake and go, then come home and eat substantially. It will all be posted in my upcoming posts! LOVE YOU GIRL! XO

  2. Hi Lisa,

    Wow, I am so excited and motived by your dedication and willingness to share your story. It reminds me of our “biggest looser” challenge back when we were two single, carefree bff’s trying to make our way through life (it was so easy back then!!!!). All we had to do was eat salads all week and BOOM! we fit back into our miss 60’s. I wish you all the love and strength and success through this journey.

  3. So many questions but I’ll start here….can you share the name and brand of the organic supplements that you are taking to help your body through the process? Thanks so much xoxoxoxo

    1. Hey Heather! Yes I will be doing weekly updates and now seeing some of the feedback coming through, I am going to make my next Sunday post all about the Organic and daily supplements that I take! Cant wait to sahre, we can all do this!!! WE are ALL AWESOME!!XOXO

    1. Hi Stacy! The fit bit I am using now is the CHARGE, it is working great and I am loving tracking my progress. I had the Nike fuel band, and I liked that too, however I feel like the Fit bit is a better fit for me. I am actually able to put in the type of exercise I am doing, so it tracks my movement more accurately, and it also has a food app built in so you can track your caloric intake and see how much you burn all in a graph style setting. It is very easy and fun to use, I find myself doing all sorts of extra movement and walking throughout the day just to see if I can beat my previous days! I hope you get one, and if you do we can also be “friends” on it so we can compare, cheer on, or taunt each other its really fun. I hope I answered your question substantially, love you and let me know what you decide!

  4. Hi Lisa,

    I too would love to know what natural supplements you can recommend. Also, keep the recipes coming!

    1. Hi Sabra,
      Thank you so much for asking this question on the blog forum, I have been getting so many private messages asking the same thing, and the whole point of me starting this blog was to answer questions that everyone can see. ( then I only have to type it out once) and it makes it MUCH easier and more time efficient. So again thank you for posting the question.
      I will be taking pictures of and letting you all know witch supplements I take on a daily basis in THIS coming Sunday’s blog post! Like I said before, All of the vitamin’s and supplements I take can be found at whole foods, GNC, your local grocery store, Vitamin Shoppe or online. I don’t take fat burners, or products with ephedrine in them. Everything I take is very basic, but in my opinion really helps kick start your metabolism and gives you the proper foundation of nutrients to get your body ready to shed fat and build muscle! Also, yes I posted a recipe for protein egg muffins last night, check it out and let me know what you think. I have tons of recipes for little snacks and meals I will be posting weekly!
      I can’t wait to share all of this with you Sabra, I look forward to hearing your thoughts and tracking your progress as we go!


    1. Thank you Tracey, and thank you for following, very excited to share my journey with you, and look smokin hot in some of your one of a kind Lingerie pieces!! XOXO

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