Ready, Set, Go!

Hi I’m Lisa, and this is my first blog post,  I’m taking you on the journey with me back to fitness. I would say buckle your seat belts but none of my belts fit, not even my pants, so instead hang on tight and enjoy the ride. This momma is on  a mission to bring Milfey back ( a name my husband calls me, blending M.I.L.F. and Wifey together) and would love it if you would join me or just follow along.

Im a 37 year old mommy, wife, and body worker. I am a certified Massage Therapist and licensed Hypno Therapist, also a published bikini model and  a wanna be actor,  ( 3 years of acting classes and only a handful of commercials) nothing big, but it is so much fun and I love doing it! I wrote most of this in the “about me” section but am reiterating it here a little just in case you missed it.

My first time being pregnant was amazing, it took two years of trying but I ended up getting  pregnant on The Winter Bling Tour in Palm Springs CA. 2012 with photographer Sarah Lyons of Picturegroove and designer Lauren Lyle of Maison Lyle.  I allowed my husband to join me, and let him  be behind the scenes of this awesome bikini shoot ( I am a super cool wife to let him join me, I know…) There were dozens of bikini models, me being one of them,  wandering around all weekend in incredible bikini costumes and outfits. We were all glammed up to the 9’s with hair and makup and had bedazzled EVERYTHING!  Well low and behold, I got pregnant while on that tour,  and now  I always say “If you ever want to get pregnant in a jiffy, bring your husband to a professional bikini shoot” I didn’t have a chance! LOL!

Well, along with the miracle of being blessed with carrying and birthing Lillianna , came the miracle of an extra 80 lbs. YIKES!  I wasn’t to worried about it at first because I was doing everything as healthy as I could and all the mothers that I spoke with told me not to worry and that the weight would just magically fall off while breastfeeding and laying around eating bon bon’s.  Im here to tell you, THEY LIED……… None of my weight “fell” off even while breastfeeding and being slightly active. Instead I hovered around 200lbs for nearly 9 months after giving birth.  I finally decided that I had enough and that I actually needed to do something to proactively get it off. I began exercising and eating super healthy, and had to be very honest with myself and cut out the 2-4 glasses of wine I was having at night a few times per week. I was angry, sad, upset, frustrated, and confused why my body wasn’t doing what I told it to do. The answer was, that I was just not doing enough. Getting back into shape, being fit, firm, and fantastic doesn’t come easy, its quite the opposite actually, IT SUCKS! I needed to put my nose to the grind stone and get to work, if i wanted that euphoric feeling only being in awesome shape brings and look and feel fantastic in my skin again, I needed to put in work!

I begrudgingly started with my trainer  and it was torture, over the first few months of getting back to it I cried, I laughed, I screamed, I came up with excuses, I lashed out at loved ones and I was miserable. Along with all of these negative emotions came a tiny little feeling of pride. Pride because no matter how awful I felt, how the negative self chatter rattled through my brain like a freight train, I kept going, until one day about 4 months into it I started feeling good, and I noticed that I had muscles popping out of the once flabby skin that was hanging off of my arms, legs, and mid section. My energy was full again, my frown had been turned upside down and I smiled, I laughed, and I loved. I was back, and this fit and firm feeling became contagious!! I caught on fire, and I was excited to workout, eat right, and spread my love and positive attitude to everyone and everything I came into contact with. If I could bottle that feeling and sell it, I would be a billionaire a billion times over!

Well, I was feeling great and looking awesome so naturally I booked some  photoshoots, first with Sarah Lyons from Picturegroove in mystical  Sedona Az in January 2014 and next with the extraordinary designer Lauren Lyle with Masion Lyle, and photographer Peter Gonzales,  on the California Dreams Tour in Newport Beach Ca Febuary 2014. Well as tradition would have it, I found out I was 2 weeks pregnant while on the California Dreams Tour, I was in shock and thrilled at the same time. Then it hit me, I thought “Oh Lord, Im going to do this all over again” !!! UGGGGG!!!

My pregnancy was virtually the same weight wise, but I had some other set backs while pregnant with sweet baby Madelynn. At 3 months pregnant with her my father passed away from cancer and at 4  months pregnant with her I had a T.I.A. it was a small blood clot that passed through my brain ( a very traumatic and frightening experience) to say the very least. Thank God that after many tests ie: MRI, CAT Scan, Brain ulrtasound, Heart bubble test, and tons and tons of bloodwork, I was fine and the hormones is what caused the clot to form. I had to take one baby aspirin per day for the remainder of my pregnancy, and thankfully Madelynn came out perfect and healthy! I did gain 74 lbs with Madelynn and ended up at the magical 222lb. mark, same ending weight with Lillianna. Now, after nearly 3 months I am still 206 lbs. and ready to get started to get it off and firm up!

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I have been mentally revving my internal engine over the past few weeks, trying to gear up to get back to the gym, eventually my trainer, eat clean and healthy, and take the proper organic supplements to make my body the best working machine I can possibly imagine! Along with all of the health benefits that come with working out and eating properly, I really cant wait to feel great in my skin again and look awesome in my pre pregnancy jeans! I have my new Fit Bit on and synced up  that I got for Christmas  and I’m going hit the gym at 5:00am tomorrow for the first time since the baby arrived. I am feeling a bit of anxiety but I am also excited. I will be tracking my progress each week and taking photos of my transformation. I almost cannot believe that I am posting pictures of what I look like in a sports bra and shorts, but I am. Im ripping the proverbial  band aid off and letting it all hang out!!! I hope and pray that my blog not only inspires and motivates me, but it does the same for you, thank you for taking the time and interest to follow me on my Bringing MILFEY back journey!

Health and Love,


6 thoughts on “Ready, Set, Go!

  1. Ok, this is inspiring. I am so down on myself right now. I did spin and a ton of heavy weights, clean eating and lost 25 lbs last year. I was feeling awesome. Then summer came, loss of consistent schedule, and my monkey had some major Autism issues from summer on. Mommy has been on the back burner. And I gorged during the holidays. The teen hit 16 this week and it dawned on me that I am the same weight now, that I was the day I gave birth to her! EEK! Time to start taking care of myself! Thanks Lisa!!!

    1. Jessica, I feel ya sister!! Its life, and life of a mommy is even more challenging, follow along and we will tackle this all together. YOU CAN DO IT, I did it, and am on the journey to DO IT AGAIN!! XO

  2. I’m so proud of you for wanting to help others. I will be following you and praying for you daily.
    In His Love

    1. Thank you so very much Carla, I am thankful that you will be following, and find you to be one of the most courageous, and inspirational people that God has placed on this planet. When I think my journey is getting to hard, or feel like giving up, I will think about you, all you do for others, and your courageous spirit. Whatever I put my body through during this journey, I will think of you and not complain. Instead I will replace the internal complaining into motivation and thanks that I am able to do this sort of exercise here and now.
      The only words I can choose to describe you is Pure Grace. You are still helping others, and tackling what life has thrown at you with the most amazing attitude. You are a true Warrior, and I only hope to learn, grow, and follow your amazing example.
      I in turn will also be praying for you and sending you as much love as you can hold. I look forward to chatting on here with you, thank you again for following along, it means the world to me!
      Love Lisa

  3. LISA! I am so proud of you, and INSPIRED! What a great blog! You are a magical, beautiful creature, and with patience and dedication, you will get right back to where you wanna be! Keep on pushing my girl, there is no easy short cut, or magical pill or potion that will get you there. Just focus, perseverance, and most of all, a positive attitude. I love ya, and can’t wait to see you again! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Sarah,and thank you for the sweet and supportive comment!I will do my best and document my journey the whole way!I love you too, and look forward to seeing you again, hopefully some day soon! XO

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